Leave the wondrous Temple of the Pink-Crystal Flame to reunite with your Guardian Angel, waiting patiently for you outside. We all need new possibilities, the new door opening for us, often unexpectedly. Chamuel embraces you gently, and his luminous pink Light washes through your energy fields. If you feel anxious or worried, then it is a sign that Archangels Michael and Chamuel are protecting you. Thank you for ur question derived from ur queried assumption as such . "Its a shame no one responded to this discussion and its been here since 2012..but maybe this book", Pendant cosmic sensor connect with the energy of all pyramids on the planet, "Twin flames are usually assynchronis with events in their timeline that tend to line up", "Is there anyone in here that CAN contact Chammuel or as I call him Uncle Chammy? - While living physically on different continents the energy of the other appears to inform my daily action. Do such Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance exist? When you reach out and try to touch the Crystals on the wall, you realise you cant because the wall moves away from you. And I will talk about something today, that concerns you who work with Earth, with Mother Earth. Get Crystals, one for you and others for your family. Archangel Zadkiel: How Can We Connect To The Angel Of Mercy? We feel our heart soften and relax when we are in Nature. Only recently he turned his attention to Earth when our Planet started coming out of the darkness. Recognize your soulmate through Archangel Chamuel!#twinflame - YouTube Skip navigation Sign in Recognize your soulmate through Archangel Chamuel! Channeled Archangel Messages by Psychic Angela C Troutt December 29, 2016 #TwinSistersNetwork Andrea & Angela AAChamuel & Charity I AAChamuel & Charity, we come to you today ,to bring hope within the twin flame collective. (LogOut/ This will always remain throughout eternity. There The angels of love also specialize in making your life run more smoothly. Until one day it reaches the critical mass and breaks, basically self-destroys. She blesses them and sends them back to you and your twin flame. You live with yourself from the beginning of time when your Soul has been initially created (apart from your Guardian Angel and Dragon, accompanying you for aeons). This is because this happens to be a time in History when soul mates can work together for the greater good as one family. Love is not aim, but a state of your Being. The Reason for Separation from our Twin Souls. We can do our best following the Law of the Flow when our life belongs to us. Make sure you are still grounded by feeling your feet and how heavy your Earth Star Chakra is that is located approximately twelve inches under the ground. With Gratitude, Love & Light, Hildegard. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_15',611,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-1-0');Your subconscious mind thinks that extra food will provide you with extra energy to carry on your hamster wheel activities. #1 soothes broken, grieving or tired hearts; #2 on your side in any situation when you feel uncomfortable, out of sync, worried or anxious; if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',604,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');#3 opens hearts to Love; #4 expands your open heart, so it radiates Love and Compassion; #5 protects you for Love is the most powerful Force in the Universe; if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-portrait-1','ezslot_24',606,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-portrait-1-0');#7 encourages you to fall in Love with yourself; #8 works with you to attract the True Love into your life; #9 as an Archangel of Gratitude helps you to see Love everywhere and love the World; #11 orchestrates Surprises for you (pleasant of course); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',607,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-leader-2-0');#12 aligns you with your Soul Purpose and organise New Possibilities. The joy of the Christ and the proper use of the creative powers of the Godhead are the forte of their instruction. For example, you have had for years a gold chain necklace with a little pendant that you love and never take off. It would be best if the two of you were single for this exercise. You may want to include live flowers or essential oils at your altar. Let your angels fill your life with their loving presence and energy. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary - The Summit Lighthouse Thank you to Ellen for transcribing. If you feel guided ~ See your self now surrounded with your soul mates maybe you may work together on a specific life purpose, meet during classes and seminars, become the best of friends and coach each other through life. Archangel Chamuel is known as the Angel of Love. Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Chamuel You Will Meet Your Twin Flame Soon. The Archangel of Love absolutely loves the moment when he opens the door, inviting you to align with your gifts, talents and your Mission on Earth. An arc of divine love forms a bridge between their retreat and that of the Elohim of the third ray, Heros and Amora, in the etheric realm near Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. Archangel Chamuel works closely with his Twin Flame Archangel Charity, who vibrates on a more feminine ray of Compassion, Empathy, Forgiveness and Creativity. Without it neither you or Nature, your Planet, even me, Chamuel, would exist. It is believed that Archangel Chamuel works with Archangel Michael to heal people, deliver messages or communicate divine guidance. Ask Archangel Chamuel For More Love In Your Life! By Cherokee Billie You see God, Love and Beauty everywhere, the Light inside other people some of them brighter and some maybe duller, but still going through their Earthy lessons and experiences on a way to God. All Rights Reserved. There is a perfectly matching pink rose in the heart of your beloved, and he or she is longing just as deeply to be with you right now. He will offer a helping hand when its time to move forward in life. Archangel Chamuel He who sees God Archeiai/Twin Flame - Charity Love, forgiveness, mercy, adoration, compassion, gratitude, soulmates, life purpose 3rd Ray-Pink Flame Opal is - stone of love and gentleness. Make a list of your loved ones and those with whom you may want to have more positive relationships. Archangel Chamuel helps us heal shame and guilt. Archangel Michael on Twin Flames, Twin Rays, and Soul Mates Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels. This is an active meditation you can do to call your Twin Flame to you. This archangel can help you heal guilt and shame through his healing sessions, by opening the heart center to allow for unconditional love to flow freely. Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels. ", Uplift to your Natural Highest State of Joy Love andPeace, View /angelloveblessings/?ref=aymt_homepage_panels profile on Facebook, About Working with the Angels and Archangels in the Holy Spirit, Send A Witness Of The Father, Son And Holy Spirit, Follow Welcome to all from Angel Love Blessings! P.S. Archangel Chamuel reminds you to recognize the God inside yourself. i call upon AA Chamuel to assist me to complete this process wholly now! You can pray to Archangel Chamuel to help you find your lost items. Archangel Chamuels name means He who sees God. And the other one stretches miles and miles down into the Earth. The sky, framed by the Arch, is only an illusion, but the giant double doors that begin opening slowly revealing the streaks of the pink Light streaming through the gap in the middle. We super thank you for your kind donation and giving and loving heart! - Thank you for sharing your message from Chamuel, for so fat I haven't been aware of this support for twin flames. See those roots wrap themselves around a sparkling crystal which emits white light. Then see the light expand more and more on every out-breath until it enfolds the whole planet with unconditional love. Let Archangel Chamuel guide you to your Love Path where you will meet your Twin Flame. A soul mate is uplifting and has high vibrational energy around them. There is a knowing which happens instantly without many words needing to be spoken. Read it through a couple of times so that you can do it from memory or use a recording device. One end of the column comes high in the sky and disappears in the Cosmos. A Spiritual person can be in a relationship with not Spiritual one, for example. You can ask them to help those in your household understand each other and to help you to be a better listener to meet others needs. I knew it! Ask the angels if you feel guided, to help you reconnect with those of your spiritual family who have incarnated in the present time with you. It doesnt make sense to go against the Flow. He is an Archangel of Love at the end of the day. Escort me, instruct me, and guide and protect me and all co-servers, I pray Thee, now and always as we serve to cut free all life on earth. Verna Maruata is an energy imprinter. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He also oversees peace and comfort in any situation. Archangel Chamuel helps us rediscover the joys of living again. Take a few deep breaths and watch the white light you sent out into the world come rushing back to you, carrying with it many blessings of love. Pink Tourmaline aids in finding your inner courage and strength. Of course, with the Power of Love! It is not only selflessness but it is the assertion of the Great God Self with such an all-consuming fiery furnace of manifestation as to consume all unlike love.1. Sometimes our belongings collect negative energy. It is believed that Archangel Chamuel works with Archangel Michael to heal people, deliver messages or communicate divine guidance. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Archangel Chamuel wraps his arm around your shoulders and offers you the privilege to get inside him and see the World through his eyes the eyes of the Angel. God operates through Love. Elohim of the Sixth Ray - Peace and Aloha. A twin flame is our opposite, the being who was with us at creation, part of the whole, two halves representing Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, yin and yang and Alpha and Omega. Chamuel represents unconditional love and helps people restore their faith in God through his guidance. Dont idealise Soulmates relationships though. Without the angels guidance and protection our soul could become entangled there, and so we call to the legions of Archangel Michael to escort us. This is a sign from the Divine through Angel Chamuel. When you pray and work with the Archangels of love you are drawn into divine wholeness and the Presence of God. Please shine your lights on the following. 1. Maybe you even see your etheric wings sprung and unfolded both sides of your body. The truth is, your Mother Earth feels everything. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Be Connected. Welcome, son of the Most High! Ascended Master - The Summit Lighthouse Ask Archangels Chamuel and Charity enter your life to guide you gently, smooth the sharp corners and share with you their Love and Wisdom. Your Twin Flame is an indivisible part of yourself. It has nothing to do with ego and arrogance! . Archangel Chamuel enfolds you in his enormous soft and feathery wings and holds you tight, rocks you, so there is Love, only Love and nothing but the Love. Lorna Byrne, the Irish Mystic, describes that she sees a transparent sheet of ice wrapped round the persons chest, when their heart is closed. Or they may put on their armour to ght the forces of cruelty and hatred that cause many of the problems in families and relationships. In 2012 the ascension gates opened more and around the temple 12 more temples were placed. She actually knows everything about you. Archangel Chamuel speaks the words of Wisdom to your Soul, reminding about the Power of being in the Flow. Archangel Chamuel and Charity teach you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others. Offer a one-time donation? . Twin Flame : Archangel Chamuel " Union Prayer " Attract Your Twin One saw the mud, the other saw stars.. Legions of Light, come into action now! (LogOut/ At the initial point of incarnation these two halves of the one are divided and sent out into reality to evolve and grow to return as a perfected being to the source. What Archangel Chamuel Wants You To Act Upon. Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. The angels of love help you ght the forces of anti-love, which bring about addictions and psychological problems such as depression and compulsive behavior. Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels within the celestial hierarchy of archangels. Archangels of the First Ray - Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith. Even if the whole world gives up on me, I dont give up on myself.. NEW! Dont forget about the most important relationship in your life with yourself. Ask Archangel Chamuel to locate your the One and bring you together. Archangel Chamuel is mentioned In the Bible. Through his loving and compassionate energy, you can exercise forgiveness and productive action. Divine love is the quality most needed on planet Earth and it is the most opposed as well. Breakfast this morning. Anyone else out there who has already met their twin flame. Maybe this is him?! Once you make the list, say this prayer, silently or out loud: Beloved Chamuel and Charity, fill me with divine forgiveness and love for everyone in my life. Ask Archangel Chamuel For More Love In Your Life Archangels of the Sixth Ray - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora. This time with lavender and bergamot essential oils #whippedtallowbalm #tallowbalm #carnivoreskincare #whippedtallowbalm #essentialoils #lavender #bergamot. We all have a Twin Flame. Or they think that living with an open heart puts them into a vulnerable position. Archangel Chamuel - The Angel Of Love - SunSigns.Org You can ignore your Twin Flame sometimes for years until a coincidence brings you two together. Archangel Chamuel locates your Twin Flames as well and helps to arrange the meeting. 65 No. Let the Golden Light work its Magic on you until you feel that you become liquid gold yourself. Archangel Chamuel and Charity welcome us to study in their etheric retreat in the heaven-world over Saint Louis. Their etheric retreat, the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, is over St. Louis, Missouri. Repeat after Chamuel: I dont give up on myself. And the Spiritual one brings Warmth and Light of Spirituality into the other persons life. Ask him to give you or someone else comfort in the hour of need. Now, Twin Flames relationship does not always mean falling in love at the first sight. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_17',616,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-2-0');Feel them and make a bond with them. | Is Chamuel mentioned in the Bible? Together with the love angels watching over you, you will be guided to a path where you learn about twin flames, give a new perception of love, and receive eternal guidance and love from your celestial guides. Terms of Service, 2023Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Use this archangels attributes to help you release conflict and move on with your life: As the name suggests, Archangel Chamuel helps you seek Gods power. Chamuel and Charity are the archangel and archeia of divine love. Archangel Chamuel Music To Connect With Twin Flame 9,765 views Premiered Jan 26, 2021 314 Dislike Share Celestial Inspiration 74.4K subscribers Archangel Chamuel Music To Connect With. They may appear surrounded by layers of gossamer light to comfort a frightened child. #Magic_world11Thank you Archangel ChamuelI love MyselfMAGIC WORLD 11 :) I don't recall saying either or in regard resonating as such please this has nothing to do with my question dear . that's simply ur reaction to my question .. The warm energy of Love, radiated by our Heart, touches everyone around you, changing their auras into 5-dimensional ones for seconds. There are many that would love to share a good friendship with their soul mates and soul family. Archangel Chamuel (pronounced kha- mew -EL) is the archangel of love, friendship, partnership, and beginning again. If you feel tired, have the rest. The gold necklace keeps collecting negative energy that would otherwise target your Throat Chakra. He brings balance and understanding into the relationships through communication and trust, so if negative thoughts or actions arise, he will encourage you to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective. You may use this Twin Flame Prayer to Archangel Chamuel, heal all of your previous wounds, and clear the path to your soulmate. Love is all around you, and Love is You. This is not limited to a relationship with a spouse, but can also be done with a parent or sibling or friend. Chamuel listens carefully and tells that you are not on your own anymore. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. It is called the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame. Gateway Arch, on the bank of the Mississippi River, communicates to the soul at inner levels that here is the open door to this great temple of love. When all seems lost, Chamuel is there to pick you up and dust you off. Never in whole history there existed another person exactly like you, and never will be! As a result, it is easy to see how this archangel can help you reconnect with the divine. But your poor body is screaming for the rest to recharge its batteries naturally, not extra food! Chamuel comes from the verb "lenachem" in Hebrew, which means comfort and compassion. Archangel Chamuel wont give you back anything riddled with negative. Archangel Chamuel can see the whole situation and knows who your Soulmates and Twin Flames are. Sadhguru Everyone heard about the Dark, or Fallen Angels, their names are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub amongst others. Read and reread it, and your aura will be scanned by the Pink Rays of Love, not leaving any chance to the dense energies, lurking inside you. Chamuel and Charity, two Twin Flames, are an example of two different personalities, united by Love in a beautiful relationship. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-box-4','ezslot_4',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-box-4-0');So it emanates strong, but gentle pink pure Love, attracting the same qualities. There are many soul mates, but only one Twin Flame. Cut me free. They can give each other a tough time, especially in the beginning. Love will quietly leave such a relationship. Archangel Chamuel overlooks the whole process. Invoke this great Angel to help you sort relationships with your partner, children, parents, pets, neighbours, at work. He reminds us that we all make mistakes in life, but that when we apologize for these mistakes, the damage can be repaired. elohim! With Archangel Chamuel by your side, you will be able to approach others and life itself with love and compassion. Right, I had no idea that his first name was Always., Or Si Robertsons one: I live by my own rules (reviewed, revised and approved by my wife) but still my own.. Archangel Chamuel prayers for TWIN FLAMES Runion - YouTube They can become unhealthy too unfortunately if one of them (or both) loses connection with Divine and becomes Earthbound. 2014 - 2023 Celestial Inspiration. Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. In this way, Chamuel maintains peace with your twin flame and helps with your reunion. The Angel of Love, entering the relationship with the Parent, smooths it and makes it if not loving, but at least civil. Twin Flame relationships are not like other romantic relationships because rather than being based in a desire to merge with the beloved, they are based in a desire to dedicate your life to divine service together with your other soul half. Which Archangel is in charge of education and for the exam? Let him fill your life with love and harmony. Do you remember Dale Carnegie: Two men looked out of prison bars. Connecting with Archangel Chamuel is a chance you do not want to miss. Some have decided to go back to the LIGHT, they will be welcomed as w These jagged energies reverberate on the body, soul, chakras and heart. When we pray to Angel Chamuel, he will help us to mend friendships that have been broken by distance, misunderstandings, or other conflicts. Beloved Archangel Chamuel, shine this pink light on my heart and soul and every human being so the world is filled with the radiance of love. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. Archangel Chamuel Twin Flame: Invoke the Archangel, Learn the Symbols Chamuel is the angel who helped Mark and Elizabeth Prophet navigate such a dark time following the loss of their son during an accident in 1969. And our daily life here on the planet revolves a, Read More How to invoke Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance in your lifeContinue, Are Guardian Angels real? Archangel Chamuel - The Holy Flame of Divine Love - Celestial Inspiration 11+ Powerful Twin Flame Prayer for Manifestation - BigBrainCoach This power and transmutation transmute negative thoughts. Dwelling in the direct presence of God he brings to us the unconditional and divine Love of the universe and all its never-ending blessings. . Greetings from Chamuel, the Angel of Love, New Possibilities and Surprises! Chamuel and Charity will teach you how to intensify the flame of love in your heart and to prepare for the descent of the Holy Spirit into your temple. You have now shown to the angels that you are ready for a spiritual union with your Twin Flame and you will begin to be magnetised together in the physical realm, provided that your Twin Flame is also on the earth plane at this time. Do you know of Archangel Chamuel? Let my spirit be free from the wounded past and be ready to meet my twin flame. @DREAM HOPE BELIEVE FOR PERSONAL SESSION GUIDANCE HEALINGCONTACT :-@twinflame11 ( VAISHALI SHUKLA ) TELEGRAM ACCOUNT#twinflames #awakening #reunion #all #aff. Archangel Chamuel is the omnipotent angel of unconditional love, adoration, and harmonious relationships. The Golden Light shimmers and dances around you. I have some questions for him. As a rose unfolding fair Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Call for his assistance, and he will cocoon you in his beautiful pink energy of Love that transmutes instantly all dark and dense blobs of energy, turning them into pure Love. See the bright pink ray of Light, extending from your Crystals far to the Cosmos and Love from the Cosmic Heart, pulsating and streaming down. Expanded Heart Centre takes all space between the shoulders, and its shining Light forms the etheric wings. Spiritual Gifts:love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; dissolution of feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem; preparation to receive the Holy Spirit. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',612,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Ride the Wave! Try again later. The higher the twin flames ascend, the more they unite and rejoin energetically. I noticed that I typed the world LOVE so many times whilst writing this article, that this article alone can be used as a powerful tool of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection. Ask Archangel Chamuel if he can help you in finding your lost items, people, or pets. Be Inspired. And you feel you really could do with Divine help and support! In this case Archangel Chamuel wont return you the item for this dark energy can impact you adversely. You are surrounded by pink, the most delicious Light. Not all twin flames have incarnated together. The doors open completely, inviting you in. A soul mate is someone who has incarnated with you many times, and has played different roles in your lives together. Elohim of the Fourth Ray - Purity and Astrea He is behind every surprise, and you cant help to start believing in miracles. Elohim of the Second Ray - Apollo and Lumina. Love and love more, for the burning of your heart will be the all- . In Jesus Name, Namaste and Angel Blessings ! Each one of the seven rays and the archangels who serve on those rays focuses an entirely []. One can be a spouse, a parent ( or both! Ask in writing a letter , or you can think it~ when you intend on speaking to the angels, I assure you, they can hear your thoughts and also hear your words if spoken. He helps relieve stress, anxiety, hope and sadness he will brighten up your day, so remember to ask chamuel for help when needed., There are various ways to contact Archangel Chamuel. Say: I am the Gold Ray of Christ, and see yourself inside a giant column of Golden Light, surrounded by the bright Blue Light of extra protection. Come into the sanctuary of being where the kingdom of God is come into manifestation on earth as it in in heaven.'. Some Twin Flames will not meet for several lifetimes. I pour forth to God devotion, Archangel Chamuel is one of the archangels that God has given the responsibility of taking care of humanity. Far away from the Spirituality person helps the Spiritual one to remain grounded. Whether you call it a stone, a beast, a tree, a man, a demon or the Divine everything is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways. Sit down with your spine straight and relax your shoulders. You must be very specific about the information that you want from him. This way you accelerate your Growth and propel yourself forward. Dont miss out by entering your name and email address to start receiving signs and messages now! Try this mantra for more love in your life. Archangel Raphael, Symbol, Meaning, Nickname, Power, Prayer, Everything, 2222 Angel Number: Symbolism, Meaning And Predictions, 100+ DM DF CONFESSION Channeled Message. (This post contains affiliate links. Their etheric retreat, the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, is over St. Louis, Missouri. 10, March 8, 1991. Check out our archangel michael for twin flame selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. AMEN, We describe the meaning of an angel number, All Rights Reserved Copyright 2021 | anangelnumber.