This section provides specific approval criteria for the following policy-related applications: A. Applicability. A portion of a roadway designed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate for turns onto intersecting streets or safely accelerate to merge with the prevailing traffic flow. A. Submission requirements for written interpretations will be developed by the City Administrator. An area of land, building, structure, or object, or a group or combination thereof, including appurtenances and environmental setting which that [sic] may be significant in national, state, or local history, architecture, archeology, or culture. Full compliance with the standards contained within this Code must be obtained before the issuance of a building repair, plumbing or electrical permit for any structure on a lot within a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City. An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to the formal written notification of completeness or incompleteness, shall be entitled to a refund of fifty (50) percent of the total amount paid upon written request to the City. This number ONLY provides the maximum number of units allowed on the site. Trees that should be removed because they pose a safety risk; 2. C. The BOA shall have the authority to authorize an adjustment of up to ten (10) percent of any numerical standard. Any Nonconforming Sign that has been destroyed or damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the sign is more than 50 percent of the cost of erecting a new sign shall be removed or shall be brought into compliance with this Chapter within six months from receipt of an order from the City Administrator. A. Normal grade shall be construed to be the (1) existing grade prior to construction (2) the newly established grade after construction, or (3) the crown of the adjacent roadway. F. Burden of Proof in Appeals. Lot Width. The City Council shall have the authority to hear and grant requests for a variance from the development standards of this Code. 5. Apartment Building. If the City Administrator certifies in writing that such a cessation of activity would cause imminent peril to life and property, the development may proceed, unless a stop order is issued by the BOA, or a restraining order is issued by a competent court of record. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished through the use of electronic and telephonic mechanisms but excluding those classified as Major Utility Facilities. The application must be complete and the information contained within the application must be sufficient and correct enough to allow adequate review and final action. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. Because zoning only applies to areas within the City limits, these standards are nonbinding guidelines for development in the ETJ. Off-Street Parking Space. G. Protection of persons and property from erosion, flood or water damage, fire, noise, glare and similar hazards of impacts. A building or use that is all of the following: a) constructed or located on the same zoning as the main building, or use served, except as may be specifically provided elsewhere in this Ordinance; b) clearly incidental to, subordinate in purpose to, and serving the principal use; and c) either in the same ownership as the principal structure, building or use or is clearly operated and maintained solely for the comfort, convenience, necessity, or benefit of the occupants, employees, customers, or visitors of the principal use. A sign for which a valid permit has been issued. Estoppels. The TIA will follow the criteria outlined in the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, Section 2, as amended. Side Yard, Interior. In the case of adjacent frontage or service roads for state and federally designated highways, the property owner shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way and make authorized improvements in order to provide an adequate road network to serve the development. 2. An area along or adjacent to a stream or body of water that is capable of storing or conveying floodwaters during a 100-year frequency storm event, or a 100-year flood. 4. Lot Line, Front. Typical uses include automotive wrecking yards, junkyards or salvage yards. 12-2022) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current . The total number of units permitted by the City for a tract of land. Net Site Area. This Chapter identifies minimum standards for areas both within the City limits and the ETJ. Plat, Preliminary. F. Applications must be made in a format consistent with requirements determined by the City Administrator. Generally. Story. J. Electric Sign. D. All Nonconforming Signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. Appeal of an administrative decision may be initiated by any person aggrieved by the administrative decision, in compliance with 211.010 of the Texas Local Government Code. The City will maintain an electronic mapping system in National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 elevation. An open area within a residential development reserved for the exclusive use of residents of the development and their guests. A. Marquee. In addition to the penalties otherwise provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any provision of this Code or any ordinance, which provision is intended for the protection of the public health, safety or welfare, may be determined to constitute a public nuisance and may be abated by the City as provided by law. Chapter 2 sets forth the specific responsibilities and authority for each administrative official and review entity as it relates to the implementation of this Code. Curbcuts and ramps shall be located at convenient, safe locations for the physically disabled, for bicyclists and for pedestrians pushing strollers or carts. Notice shall be required for review of an application as shown in the following table. The City Engineer is responsible for review and final action on the following plans described in this Code, subject to the specific criteria for the procedure as described in the Code: 2. Development Project Completion. N. Chapter 245 of Texas Local Government Code adopted. An area of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, banks of waterways, or municipal boundary lines. C. Approval Criteria (PUD). Additionally, as provided in subsection (g) of this section, this section shall not apply to the types of ordinances, or other governmental action, enumerated in VTCA Local Government Code 245.004 or exempt from the requirements of Local Government Code 43.002. PERSONAL SERVICES. The applicant filed an application as provided in Texas Local Government Code chapter 245 prior to adoption of the regulations pursuant to which vested rights are claimed, that the regulations which are the basis for the claim of vested rights are not subject to an exemption as provided in Texas Local Government Code 245.004 and that the project has not become dormant as defined in Texas Local Government Code 245.005 and this Chapter. A sign which is attached directly to the ground or is supported by a sign structure that is placed on or anchored in the ground and is independent from any building or other structure. Design Guideline Documents | If the accessory structure is greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, then it shall be set back one (1) additional foot from the property line for each one (1) foot in height up to the minimum setback for a primary structure. Notification of the expiration of regulations shall be provided to the applicant as part of the notification of approval of the development-related permit. Side Yard. The base flood elevation plus one foot. M. Voluntary Compliance. Height. Marquee Sign. A summons or notice to appear in answer to a charge of parking, standing or stopping in violation of this section shall be issued on the official form prescribed by the City of Liberty Hill. 7. Modifications of the application during a public hearing may be made if assurances can be given by the applicant that the changes will be made. Minor Plat, Final Plat or Amending Plat. The instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space as produced by sound energy. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council who is responsible for final action on a Code Text Amendments. The permit will not be approved unless the lot has direct access to an improved public street, private street, or an approved public way, and connected by improved public street to an improved public thoroughfare. APPENDIX A - Franklin Legal Publishing Infiltration. Renewable Resource. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be sent by the City through U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration and within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the Williamson Central Appraisal District. A Planned Unit Development District (PUD) is intended to provide a development that is more sensitive to the natural environment, creates an improved sense of place, or otherwise enhances the standard pattern of development in Liberty Hill. lot area per living unit in MH2 districts and minimum 15' side separation between homes. Public Water Supply System. Useable open space available for use by the occupants of more than one dwelling unit; controlled and maintained by a property owner or an incorporated nonprofit homeowners association; or dedicated in fee to, and maintained by, a public agency and devoted to use by residents who will occupy the dwellings. A sign that is either expanded to its full dimensions or supported by gasses contained within the sign, or sign parts, at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. Final plat submittal will normally be consolidated with construction plan/development permit submittal. Approval Criteria. Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code, as adopted in 2001 by the 77th Legislature, Regular session is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein. Applications for all building permits other than single-family and duplex residential, or site development permits, including the installation of outdoor lighting fixtures for new construction, shall provide proof of compliance with this Code. Any previous written interpretations. The City Administrator may also act upon violations that otherwise become known during the normal performance of his/her duties. After Hours Utility Emergencies 319-627-2247 B. C. Violations Continue - Any violation of the previous zoning and sign ordinances or subdivision and site development regulations of the City shall continue to be a violation under this Code and shall be subject to penalties and enforcement under Chapter 6 [7], Enforcement, unless the use, development, construction or other activity is consistent with the express terms of this Code, in which case enforcement action shall cease, except to the extent of collecting penalties for violations that occurred prior to the effective date of this Code. To comply with any other duty or responsibility clearly assigned to the City Administrator elsewhere in this Code; 2. Pursuant to such authority, all chapters and sections of the UDC shall apply to all areas within the city limits of Liberty Hill. Competent evidence. However, sign area shall not include any sign structures that are esthetically pleasing. Upon completion of installation and construction of all required improvements, the developer may seek acceptance of all public improvements by the City by submitting the required number of copies of as-built plans and a one year maintenance bond in an amount as specified at the time of final plat submittal. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in providing frequently or recurrently needed services of a personal nature. Furthermore, the financial institution shall be reviewed and approved in advance and the letters of credit or bonds shall conform to forms or criteria approved in advance by the City Council. In case of a rejection, the City Administrator shall specify in the rejection the sections of the Section with which the plan is inconsistent. 5. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for the temporary use, and it shall not create a parking shortage for any of the other existing uses on or near the site. Impervious surfaces on a lot include buildings, driveways, garages, porches, patios, private walks, accessory buildings, and any other impervious surfaces constructed on the lot. Rezoning to the PUD district requires a specific PUD ordinance and a General Development Plan from the property owner. If this is the case, the City Administrator shall reject the applicants proposed written interpretation and refer the applicant to the appropriate section of the Code. This Chapter also contains standards on maximum impervious cover, both for entire subdivisions as they are developed and for individual lots as they are built upon. Pedestrian, vehicle, water, wastewater and drainage improvements must be extended to the perimeter of a subdivision. A commercial sign identifying more than one business or organization located on the premises. The Comprehensive Plan reflects Liberty Hills long-term plan for growth and development. P. Specific criteria for considering Administrative Exceptions are provided in Chapter 3. B. The City Administrator or his/her designee shall have the authority to issue a sign violation notice and shall be empowered to enter upon the premises of any person within the City or its extraterritorial jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcing the provisions herein. If no structural alterations are made, a nonconforming use of the building may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same or more restricted classification; provided, however, that in the event that a nonconforming use of a building is once changed to a nonconforming use of a more restricted classification, it shall not later be reverted to the former lower or less restricted classification (e.g., from C1 to SF2). C. Uses Not Allowed (-): indicates that a use is not allowed. Gas and cable television service and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, shall be installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. Notice of Intent to Suspend or Revoke. Typical uses include recreational vehicle parks. B. Lot size and Maximum Lot Coverage may be reduced for Clustered Residential Development. Every device, including major parts thereof, in, on, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a transportation facility, except devices moved by human or animal power, or devices used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks. When a sign requiring a permit under Chapter 6 of this Code is erected without a sign permit, the City Administrator shall use the following procedures. C. Compliance with the regulations in this section is strongly encouraged for improvements and developments within the ETJ in order to prevent light pollution and preserve the rural and historic character of the City. Subdivision. The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. C. Statutory Vested Rights. Multiuse Sign. Water service must be sufficient to meet the fire flow requirements of the proposed development, except where a suitable alternative means of fire protection is approved by the City Volunteer Fire Department Chief, or his designee, and the City Engineer. The City Administrator or his designee shall be the primary point of contact with the landowner or developer or his agents, and has considerable authority and responsibility for administering the provisions of this section of the Code. Minor plats, amending plats, or replat may be approved by the City Administrator following an evaluation for plan compliance and technical compliance with this Code. Impervious Surfaces. G. Multifamily Residential (MF2). 2. Sign Area. F. The City Administrator will develop an Administrative Procedures Manual for application requirements for all procedures described within or developed pursuant to this Code. For quantitative control, a system of vegetative and structural measures that control the increased volume and rate of surface runoff caused by manmade changes to the land; and for qualitative control, a system of vegetative, structural, and other measures that reduce or eliminate pollutants that might otherwise be carried by surface runoff. A. Applicability. Detached Dwelling. Block face. E. The platting or subdivision of any lot or any parcel of land, by the use of GPS as a substitute for metes and bounds for the purpose of sale, transfer, lease or development is prohibited. Williamson County has established criteria for review and approval for an on-site wastewater permit application. Williamson County shall be the primary platting authority in the Citys ETJ, until such time as the City of Liberty Hill and Williamson County enter into an interlocal agreement which stipulates the division of review authority. L. The City Administrator may assign staff to review the application and provide a preliminary report to the Manager. (m) Any land that is dedicated as parkland and is disturbed during construction of the subdivision must be restored by the developer to its original condition or better prior to release of fiscal for the subdivision. Map depicting floodways and special flood hazard areas which that [sic] are regulated by this Ordinance Code [sic]. Subdivision-related procedures are necessary to establish how individual lots or projects may be developed. Project Sign. All lands lying within a measured distance from the top of each bank of a perennial or intermittent stream, intended to protect the stream, its water quality, and riparian habitat. (4) Transfer of required parkland dedication in one subdivision to another location owned by the same subdivider within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision. The build-to line shall be measured from an exterior wall to the property line such that the accuracy of the building placement shall be within a foot, as authorized. Development includes the process of subdivision. Any modification to an approved site plan that was filed as part of a Conditional Use Permit shall cause the Conditional Use Permit to become void, regardless of its current status, including any approval previously given by the City Council. All findings and conclusions necessary to the permit or decision (crucial findings) shall be based upon reliable evidence. C. A statement of the legal subdivision name, including lot, block and recording information. Each day a separate offense. Conversion or expansion of a residential structure to a nonresidential use must apply for and receive a site development permit prior to commencement of construction. A. A sign with two faces that are usually, but not necessarily, parallel. A violation of any provision of this Code that is dangerous to human life or health; that renders the ground, the water, the air or any food or drink unwholesome and a hazard to human life and health; that may injure or affect the public health or comfort in any manner; or a violation of a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, is hereby declared a public nuisance and illegal, and shall be abated by any procedure authorized by law; further, the City shall be entitled to recover its damages, attorney fees, and expenses of litigation for enforcement or cessation of such violation. The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. B. Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation. An inventory of existing trees greater than ten (10) inches [in] diameter measured from four (4) feet above ground level shall be inventoried and identified in the Site Plan. Review authorities for applicable development applications and permits are described in Table 3-1, below. 7. The City Administrator, City Inspector [or] other City official duly authorized by the City Council may order all work, including site clearing or other site preparation, stopped on any site where a significant violation of this Code or a subdivision plat or approved site plan is found. iv. Effect of Appeal. This district is intended for facilities providing governmental, religious, educational, healthcare or social services, and public infrastructure facilities such as water plants, pump stations, wastewater treatment plants, lift stations and other such utility facilities. This section shall not apply to a claim of right under common law, a federal or state statute, other than Chapter 245 or 43.002, or the state or federal constitutions. This district is intended to provide land for manufacturing and industrial activities with generation of nuisance characteristics greater than activities permitted in the C3 and I1 districts. Permits for such use and occupancy must be granted by an incorporated city for the replacement of a mobile home within its corporate limits with a HUD-Code manufactured home. (Texas Revised Civil Statues, Article 5221 f(4A)). In this case, the final plat will be approved and filed with the County Clerk. C. General Commercial/Retail (C3). Should the permit, which is the basis for vested rights recognition, have been issued by a governmental agency other than the City, the City Administrator shall request the City Attorney to determine whether the permit establishes rights under Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code. No plat shall be recommended without a determination that the plat conforms to the following: 1. Each application for a sign permit or for approval of a Master or Common Signage Plan shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by the City Council from time to time by resolution. The party responsible for the sign shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall (a) forfeit both the sign and any permit associated with the sign; and (b) pay the fines set by the court, not to exceed the fines specified by this Code for each violation. Unless otherwise specified, any mention of Engineer refers to the City Engineer.