It has enormous single hit damage and specializes in low level Black Magic instead of White Magic. This strategy is used to take down very scary end game monsters in 30 seconds flat like Vrtra, Bahamut, and Dynamis Lord. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Defensive/Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Defensive) section], VI-4. offensive cooldowns rolling exactly as they become available. Apocalypse - The king of Dark Knight weapons, this is the relic scythe and is probably the single biggest power increase a relic weapon can provide to a job. Please feel free to add more if more are added at a later date. Samurai sub also offers defensively utility in Seigan, which allows you to mitigate most incoming single target attacks. replaced with Determination and one Critical Hit meld replaced with Direct Hit All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. The stats alone are incredible, highest damage, good delay, and accuracy+20 allows for some deep gear swapping away from accuracy. Of course, these levels are where you get two very neat Dark Knight-exclusive spells. The second reason is the passive Store TP you gain off traits, which allows a scythe Drk to gain TP in 6 hits instead of 7, and a great sword Drk to gain TP in 7 hits instead of 8. Following the path west, head to H-7. helm. mainly for those already accustomed to playing at faster speeds and who are less When played correctly you should take almost no damage when subbing Ninja as you can rotate between Utsusemi: Ni and Utsusemi: Ichi for nearly fulltime coverage. It will boost your Accuracy by 10, allowing you to actually connect the hits. overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the melding Absorb-STR (Or any stat) (31-43): These are very situational spells that allow you to steal a mob's stats and apply them to yourself. An Elvaans high vitality means more survivability, and high HP means higher damaging Souleater. Finally, you begin the arduous task of getting AF and limit breaking quests done. Maybe. These builds are current as of patch 6.3 and include sets for since he started playing during Sigmascape and mentor on the Balance. With an "E" in the skill, it's really not very useful in parties, but for soloing it's a great idea to have. This can be used either as an on-demand accuracy boost against mobs with higher evasion (Like a Thief mob in Dynamis) or you can swap out accuracy gear for more offensive options when its up (Like Toreadors Ring into Blitz Ring) either way is good. This helps alleviate Elvaans low dexterity, and therefore low accuracy. Red Curry - One of the very few attack+150 foods. Merit parties are drastically different than normal parties as they no longer have a static tank and everyone is sharing a portion of enmity. This has very little alternatives and I wouldn't honestly even bother with this set until you have the HQ Darksteel pieces. Don't forget you can Stun/Weapon Bash pesky moves like Pecking Flurry or Cocoon. See the Zerging section for more information on this playstyle. It's just worded funny. and head. Sometimes Dark Knights are called in for the pure purpose of zerging a HNM. Leather Belt+1. Weapon Grade: B- The Ultimate skillchains make this the best scythe in the game. It provides increased acc as a job ability along with a evasion bonus. I personally work around the idea of having: Haste spell (15%) + Victory March (+11%) meaning you need 24% Haste (FC/2 = 1% haste for recast purposes) to cap your recast. People need a guide to just spam resolution? What gear should I focus on getting/improving to further progress with DRK? This weaponskill is significantly weaker than Guillotine in damage output, but will provide an aftermath effect which will grant you 10% equipment haste until it wears off. Please add anything if it is needed, and take away anything that is either untrue or not needed. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. Dark Knight has a very low Marksmanship skill (E), but honestly skill levels don't matter too much until the 50s or 60s. This is incredibly impractical for maintaining high damage output. Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone. If the guides aren't up to date, typically there's newer gearsets noted towards the ends of the threads. The former can be done in Dark Knight, like Warrior is able to use many different kinds of weapons. gloves with a synced CRIT+DET piece as well is a negligible DPS loss. Hey all, gearing DRK for the first time can anyone tell me what is the must have AF I need? desired GCD speed is perfectly adequate. If possible, time it between switching targets. Soloing these levels is quite annoying, even for a melee job. These are shown on the weapon and rings, For those who just need to deal more damage, this is the perfect support job for you. This set has a lot of personal expression in it. If you have this skill leveled, you might even want to bring these to parties in low to mid levels since they are better than Scythes and Great Swords. Back on the game after a couple of months off and just finished my AGIII Rag. It's not a lot of PDT like Sam and Mnk can get, but it might save your life from a 1 shot Eagle Eye Shot or something so I'd recommend having it. Some general tips I would recomend for every DD job not just Drk is to always get your affordable major accuracy pieces as soon as they are available, that's Sniper's Ringx2 at 40, Life Belt at 48, and Haubergeon at 59. Traveler's Mantle. Also check the general/widget tips. Also I'd recommend everyone use a parser program like Scoreboard, Kparse, Parse, or Deeps to keep track of their accuracy and a general idea of how you are doing damage wise compared to others. threshold with the same substats can be substituted at no loss. A 2.40 GCD set is also provided for those who . Peaceeee. Buying the This is probably the Dark Knight "signature" ability, it allows you to add massive amounts of damage to every swing at the cost of your own HP. Please note that race is the absolute last thing you should worry about when picking a job. He will then send you to a Galka named Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge. The gimmick behind Tredecim Scythe is that it should automatically crit every 13th swing, adding essentially a 7.69% crit rate ontop of the weapon. Not sure of your augments of course but just to start get the Flamma head and feet +2 and see about getting an Utu Grip and Omen rings. TP sets should be able to work with /WAR as well. I assume the next best thing is judgement? Hasso and Seigan cant be used together, but are amazing when dealing damage and keeping yourself alive when you pull hate respectively. maximum value on both substats. This set is recommended along with the 2.50 set and has the best This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. re-allocating stats on the relic to switch between them. These sets are specifically for the Epic of Alexander (Ultimate). As with the 2.50 set, you can run a slightly faster speed for comfort at the That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. Remember, it wont work unless the monster actually has TP. They can also use some crossbows. Description. Lot to digest here, but I appreciate that level of detail very much. This spells damage scales with Dark Magic Skill up until a cap of 300 and then stops, after that just gear for magic accuracy via INT, skill, and raw magic accuracy items. Drain II at Lv.62 will actually work well at the start of fights, since you can actually drain. At Lv.5 you get Arcane Circle, it's good against arcane monsters and it also will boost your party. Drain II (62): Drain II acts like drain, but with a twist! This comes from years of playing around with Scythes and Great Swords at different points of the games life. It basically trades-in a small portion of your damage over time for survivability and hate control, but only works well Lv.60 and higher. Since your attacks are so slow, and your accuracy is so low, its kind of a pain to solo. so simply using synced CRIT+DET gear with enough CRIT+SkS pieces to reach your Enmity from gear caps at +100 but you don't really have to worry about that, it's impossible for Dark Knight in era. You will at least need to have a Haubergeon, a pair of Sniper or Woodsman ring and a life belt by level 60. You can check your stats under an item level 475 I know great sword for zerging and scythes for skillchaining. While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. Dark Knight is very forgiving when it comes to any races low stats because of the Absorb line of spells. Like I said, a cool concept. Dread Spikes is 100% based on your total HP so macroing in a ton of HP is the play. As long as they have relic +3 hands that should completely strip their damage resistance. Combine with Shield Break, your Dark Knight will be able to deal significantly more damage (as much as 15% more) over time. Salvage will add the Ares set which also is.okay. However, you make up for it by having a decent amount of agility, and the highest vitality in the game, making you by far the most survivable of all Dark Knights. You can 4-step (and more), and it will always beat a Liberator if you're geared/have enough buffs to do it consistently; which is most of the time. Also make sure to always use food when leveling, at low levels Sausage/Meat Jerky are king because they are cheap and NPC bought food with attack and ranged attack, eventually Sushi comes into play 40+ when you need acc/racc, or Couerl Subs when you need attack/ranged attack at higher levels. Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped): Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped). Plus, if you party with a Paladin, theres almost no way he or she is going to lose hate to you, so you can just go absolutely nuts. For every HP drain II returns over your max HP, it will temporarily increase your max HP for 1 minute. Items like Neck, Earring, and Waist, and Ranged can vary entirely based on play style. savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. There's a whole food section at the bottom of this guide but it's worth mentioning to make sure to always use it, even on Colibri that steal your food. This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. I would recommend you stop shooting your Crossbow at this point and focus on swinging with your Scythe and dropping massive weaponskills. Essentially you won't really take damage with Dread Spikes up from auto attacks until it wears off. UCOB syncs to item level 345, and synced gear must be item level 470 or Thank you very much, Quetz, great guide! Is an extremely useful and underrated support job. Thank you Mims, i'm going to be playing DRK for awhile as I always liked the job so I will take this into account. In actuality you are better off not casting this spell in most situations because the damage gained from just hitting the mob and generating TP the old fashioned way is just straight up better damage, but in some situations it is worth using. If you can't get an item with Fire Resist, equip whatever your best item is from the MDT set. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Offensive). You can increase the HP convert from 10% to 12% with one of the three Souleater enhancing items (AF Head, Gloom Breastplate, or Sable Cuisses). Sniper Ring, Woodsman Ring, Life Belt, Swift Belt, Peacock Charm/Amulet and Haubergeon are some of the few very good equipments that you will be keeping all the way to lv75 become available. Congratulations! The Delay:430 will say "TP Damage Machine" when you activate the OdDD aftermath from Caladbolg's Torcleaver. Per attack, you can deal up to about 1600 damage. I wouldn't count on switching this weapon out anytime soon. Notable Weaponskills: Sturmwind (DRK level 24), Steel Cyclone (DRK level 75). All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't The potency of Dread Spikes is based purely on total HP, which means you can macro in as much HP as possible before casting it for maximum total damage absorbed. Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. Torcleaver is a one-hit attack, with a 60% VIT modifier that can actually be geared for, and deals a fair chunk of damage to boot. The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan higher for maximum value on both substats. Bind (20) & Sleep (30): If you have Enfeebling skilled up this can be useful to cast in weird situations, like a mob link or over pull. Plus, it allows you to possibly counter. customizable substats and can be significant boosts to your damage. Good luck sir! Note: All weapons are being discussed for general usage, although I may reference more specific uses (zerging notably); this will be discussed in detail later. Now I think its actually somewhat decent. This set would have 23.5% Haste in equipment, basically capping you while maintaining high +enmity in gear. As mentioned in the Blood Weapon paragraph, this can be combined with that ability for some crazy shit. Anything that raises your HP can be very useful for Soul Eater. Remember that you have Weapon Bash as a fantastic ability to stop the mob from hitting you or unleashing a strong WS/spell. Additionally replace the chest or pants with a synced Maybe your LS will have some use for this sub, but I've been playing on Eden for a long time now and have used this playstyle almost never. Afterglow relics aren't too expensive anymore either, but it's a fraction of the cost for nearly the same degree of utility. Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1. You must log in or register to reply here. Gaude1 . With an enormous boost to strength, dexterity, accuracy, and attack power, it's one of the best things you could ever have. JavaScript is disabled. Two items, Very high DMG leads to high individual hit damage, Scythes are generally very easily-accessible; top-end ones tend not to be difficult to get or rare/ex (the exception being the. Ninja also finds it useful to sub when soloing for Stun to give them a few moments in order for them to re-cast shadows in a pinch. Meaning if you have a Ninja tank and are otherwise scared to even lift a finger, subbing Thief can pour all that enormous enmity on the Ninja, not only letting you deal all that damage, but even more later, since his or her hate threshold will be immediately increased. The Head has some use as a WS piece if you lack other options, and the body is mostly not good for Drk but can see use if you absolutely don't need accuracy in your body slot. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. This section will lay out specific best-in-slot gear configurations for Dark Another downside is these levels are where most damage-dealers get quite expensive. Can you imagine why? [+] Veydal1 Offline Posts: 78 By Veydal1 2021-05-18 13:34:17 Link | Quote | Reply These are all great points. LOL @ the colibri on Redemption. Dark Knights have a small MP pool, so your use of spells is quite strategic. Gear-wise you will use a combination of gear already shown in this guide, as well as new sets for enmity generation and defense. FINAL This set loses about 1.5% DPS compared to the 2.50 and 2.45 sets, and is Note the wrist from normal mode; this is necessary to drop all Skill Speed. Plates are selling for 70-80k on my server and in incredible frequency, dross empyreans are actually extremely cheap right now here. A single piece of gear can often make up for a race's negligible lack in a stat. Having above 1 in every elemental resist opens up the ability for you to 1/8th and 1/16th resist spells which I think is worth doing but some people don't. a cost of about 0.3% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Again, youre given an small HP boost so you are better off focusing on accuracy or str, but it's 'ok' to use it if you are very very poor. DRK has no Fencer and Last Resort haste doesn't apply to 1h build, so generally your 2h REMA will be better than Loxotic, unless its something like skeletons, where I think they resist slashing by 75% in C and they take bonus blunt damage. Dark Knight is not even one of the most popular jobs on Eden, but Apocalypse is the most popular relic on the server, and for very good reason. These substitutions are shown on the weapon and second ring, respectively, but can This spell has a high level of skill expression, as the more TP the mob has the more TP you can take from it, so if you learn to read battle pacing and mob TP generation you can get some really nice Absorb TPs off. Still, you are much better off with more accuracy (if you are eating meat) since you will certainly deal more damage if you land all the hits or simply more Str if you are munching sushi. Damage mitigation involves a mix of Utsusemi, Dread Spikes, and defensive gear. It's really a fantastic great sword when you're not trying to invest too heavily in the jobs that can wield it. Dreamland Dynamis will add Abyss Cape, which is insanely good for accuracy in your TP set, WS set, and even Magic sets. Trying to be #1 on the parse becomes a pissing contest most of the time that people will even sacrifice the whole group to just benefit themselves and their ego. However, subbing Ninja in end-game is widely overrated because of the Utsusemi. Classic FFXI community is a FANDOM Games Community. Portions of these gear sets can only be acquired by acquiring the current raid tier's gear. Trade the cherry to the??? Ragnarok suffers from not having a good WS, which is why in later versions of FFXI where it was given a good WS, this relic became the best. 605. On this page, you will find the best gear and best-in-slot items for your VE stands for Volatile Enmity, this enmity decreases at 60 VE per second thus you continually need to build VE in order to stay capped. Dark Seal - Pretty good one point wonder, this works much like Elemental Seal where it gives you massive magic accuracy bonuses when casting 1 dark magic spell. . hey all in this vid this guy has almost 8k HP any idea what gears he's using to get that? Your AF flanchard (pants) is(are) very underrated. Samurai is Drk's highest DPS sub job for normal play as a melee DPS. user . overcap as a result in order to reach a 2.49 GCD speed. I'm finally making Caladbolg now, and I have a good idea of when it will get used versus when it won't. This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use fire spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barfire/Fire Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. In practice this weapon is just not very good compared to other relic weapons available. Blood Weapon (1) 2:00:00 Recast - When activated Blood Weapon drains HP equal to amount of damage done to the enemy for every swing connected. Weapon Grade: B- Notable Weaponskills: Vorpal Blade. Notes: The best weapon a Dark Knight can use until level 50, although it is not practical to do so since Scythe and/or Great Sword are very likely to become underlevelled. Should probably have one for pulling in case you have to anyway. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. This is the recommended set for DSR and aligns nicely with each phase. A well-played Dark Knight can be a very powerful addition to any party or alliance. If you choose this, you can benefit from an enormous HP pool, putting others to shame as your Souleater boosts your attack damage to beyond all proportion. Weapon Grade: C That said if you find yourself unable to use souleater on cooldown because of MP constraints, maybe it's not the right merit for you. Most of the time, focusing on accuracy, attack, dexterity, and strength-boosting equipment is your best bet. Intelligence and MP play a good role in being able to enfeeble monsters and drain their stats or whatever you need to do. This is the best sub job for all levels of zerging because the haste only gets better the more you have, and in zerg situations you are at very high haste levels to begin with. This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use ice spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barblizzard/Ice Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. Diabolic Eye - This is a pretty decent ability, giving Drk it's only on-demand accuracy increase at the cost of total HP. The most important part of this set is hitting 300 Dark Magic Skill which caps the damage of your Drain/Drain 2. Contents 1 Blackest Dark Knight 2 Job-Race Combinations 2.1 Hume 2.2 Elvaan 2.3 Tarutaru These sets are specifcally for the Dragonsong's Reprise with an ilvl sync of Shout group ambuscade/dyna/whatever since sakpatas came out. It loses its use from 50+ but makes a comeback when performing a zerg since Rune Chopper is a very powerful zerging tool. Direct Hit, and two Direct Hit IX replaced with Det (or one each of Direct Hit As an Elvaan Dark Knight, you will be one of the deadliest of them all. and Critical Hit replaced with Determination). These are shown on the earring Dread Spikes (71): The coolest and most fun "spikes" ability in FFXI, Dread Spikes once cast causes you to drain HP from the enemy every time you're hit equal to the damage the mob does to you. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. Just use a Kraken Club and Haste/HP gear. tome pants for savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode The problem is that if you are stacking Last Resort and Souleater togethor, this staggers the timers and can lead to waste. Again, youll be hard-pressed finding parties, but now youll be even better in them. On Eden, Dark Knight finds a home as a heavy DPS job that brings moderate amounts of support to the party with things like stun and enhancing the effect of chaos roll. How do other DRKs handle Sheol C mobs that resist slashing? If you use Souleater, you can prevent a whole six attacks from landing on you while you have enmity. But it's easy to find out what people think about it .. it's a glorified skillchain machine. Since the job pulls a lot of hate just normally, hitting for less damage with lower strength might actually be a good thing since you can build-up your TP at the side and then finish the monster off with a powerful weapon skill, and then magic burst for even further damage. Gift. Except now you can absorb the targets TP every minute. Plus, high dexterity and agility mean you can hit more and dodge more if the need arises. Spinning Slash is very consistent and highly-damaging, although a miss can mean a loss in DoT. Dark Knight Tank in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (Patch This set is going to vary wildly based on your accuracy needs, some races can support using Onyx Cuisses, while others may need to use Hecatomb+1 to bridge the accuracy gap. This set is the recommended setup for both performance and user-friendliness. Replacing two Direct Hit melds with Skill Speed will bring you These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds NEVER go absolutely nuts in a party. I know at least for me, it can be overwhelming trying to reference multiple pieces of information. All FFXI content and images . Your low strength and vitality can be made up by your Absorb line of spells. Last Resort Recast - This lowers Last Resort's recast down to 4:10 with max merits, which sounds great, more Last Resort who could be mad at that. For more detail Expect a lot of foes to fall at your hands when that occurs. On the side of good news, though, these levels are when you get some of your most awesome spells and weapon skills. There are three very useful types of bolts you can, and should use. to spawn a notorious monster. one Direct Hit IX each replaced with Determination. DRK is one hellova job to tackle for a guide. Spiral Hell is very potent when using the Thief subjob. I have been doing RoE stuff and I'm following a guide to get 119 gear. These sets are for those needing to maximize their damage output in order to Using the Kraken Club with Souleater and your two-hour ability active can deal the most ludicrous damage in the entire game. Starting with your AF boots at Lv.52, the only good thing about them is the Mind stat. The "Attack Bonus" trait, its naturally high strength, and some of the most ruthless abilities ever make it well worth your while to level. Aeonic Im working on lionheart for my runefencer. using synced CRIT+DET gear with enough CRIT+SkS pieces to reach your desired GCD Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The spell only lasts 1 minute, so it can be frustrating to use, but when timed correctly is exceptionally rewarding. Determination. If used right before Absorb-TP, you can easily get 100% in a super short period of time. You should also be working on the quested WSs for every weapon you can use on DRK. Enmity in era caps at 10,000 CE and 10,000 VE. TP set or any WS's ? on how Dark Knight utilizes each stat, visit the melding and stat priority page Because much higher ilvl gear is required to cap out both substats on Thirdly, Sleep Bolts can really help in a pinch if your spell Sleep didnt work. With weaponskills this will trigger on every hit of a WS, so if you use a 6 hit WS you will drain 60% of your entire HP pool, so be careful. The only thing you have to worry about is AoE magic, which will instantly clear your Utsusemi and do full damage, and some AoE weaponskills which can pierce shadows or clear certain amounts of them. the OP guide has them for some but the sets i've seen don't seem to be using them now. any slot you prefer, but the latter must be done on the crafted ring as it is are subject to change as more options are explored and more gear becomes This 2h however can be one of if not the strongest in the game when used in very specific circumstances. Though if you have decent gear, you can probably tank Lv.10-15. "To strengthen themselves in battle, not only have these outlaw warriors mastered the ways of numerous weapons, but they have also acquired certain black magic spells to torment their enemies." Table of Contents: Abilities, Traits, Spell List, Combat Skill Ratings the feet. more than 184 points into each substat for optimum efficiency. You do not have the skill ranks that Warrior does to make this viable. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Caladbolg or Torcleaver, though I do get mad when Torc decides to miss. High delay means that a missed swing is very detrimental for TP gain, moreso than missing with a lower delay weapon would be. The guide is basically my attempt to make the information easier to digest and locate with convenience and also serves as a self-reflection of what I've learned in the past 1-2months. An infinite amount of time! A Dark Knight without any Haste equipment and Str/Acc for weapon skill will deal as low as 50% the damage of a fairly well equipped Dark Knight with at least 15% haste in his equipment set. Seeing as you don't get hasso till 50, War is your go to sub from 30-49 if you don't need Ninja for defenses. Apoc VS Calad: Fenrir.Puciato: 34: 2262: 4 years 1 month. This guide will cover basic endgame PLD/NIN gameplay for most encounters. It lasts five minutes and can be recast every minute. At lv.30, Warrior or Dragoon become the better choice. These sets are specifically for The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate), abbreviated aight cool, least i didnt waste my gil then lol. Just check the set I posted a while back.