Zo lijkt uit deze reactie dat Vanden Bossche een interview had met VRT terwijl die vermeld hadden dat ze Vanden Bossche hadden gecontacteerd maar dat hij niet wenste reageren. Reading the letter, what it reminded me, more than anything else, is an article that Andrew Wakefield wrote about the MMR vaccine and measles, published a few months before the pandemic hit. It is precisely this type of highly specific, high affinity Abs that current Covid-19 vaccines are inducing. Very interested in spirituality. Het is opmerkelijk dat alle tegenstemmen worden gesmoord. Let me try to explain this by means of a more easily understood phenomenon: Antimicrobial resistance. Its been accompanied by a video interview posted towhere else?antivaxxer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.s Childrens Health Defense website. Maar een virus zou een hele resem mutaties moeten doormaken om het afweersysteem van ons lichaam te omzeilen. Er is dus nog zeer veel onderzoek nodig naar NK-cellen. Het komt maar zelden voor dat een nieuwe variant van een virus dodelijker is. This is what COVID-19 vaccines do, and their ability to reduce the opportunities for the virus to mutate is why rapid vaccination is imperative. Visit Amazon.de's Geert Vanden Bossche Page and shop for all Geert Vanden Bossche books. Hij wordt op YouTube voorgesteld als een wereldwijde vaccinautoriteit met een grote reputatie, maar dat klopt niet. This brings us to our topic, a misinformation-filled open letter by a scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche that went viral over the weekend. A very similar mechanism may also apply to viruses, especially to viruses that can easily and rapidly mutate (which is, for example, the case with Coronaviruses); when the pressure exerted by the armys (read: populations) immune defense starts to threaten viral replication and transmission, the virus will take on another coat so that it can no longer be easily recognized and, therefore, attacked by the host immune system. 721. Wissenschaftler widersprechen Impf-Aussagen von Geert Vanden Bossche So its not surprising that Dr. Vanden Bossches letter reminds me of Andrew Wakefields warning about the MMR vaccine. VRT en Knack, kijk eens in de spiegel en laat ons toe de interviews die ik met jullie had publiek te maken. This growing threat has led what many senior public health officials in the UK and the U.S. to describe as the post-antibiotic apocalypse and the end of modern medicine. It is estimated that 50,000 annual deaths occur in Europe and the U.S. from infections that antibiotics have lost the power to treat. So in fewer than 80 years, we have reached the point at which, for example, with prosthetic surgery, wards are being closed down, patients are being sent home, and operations are no longer possible, because once the prosthesis becomes infected with such bacteria, it is virtually impossible to get rid of them. Bent u getuige van een nieuwsfeit of hebt u zelf nieuws te melden? In an effort to sidestep this self-evident solution, Vanden Bossche seems to have made up a second mechanism to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines. RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 do mutate. "Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. Amusingly, as I was looking this post over earlier this morning for a final edit, I saw that no less a grifter than RFK Jr. himself had published a rebuttal to Dr. Vanden Bossches open letter by someone named Rosemary Frei, The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Behind Bossches Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination. De standpunten vermeld in deze community reflecteren niet noodzakelijk de redactionele lijn van DeWereldMorgen.be. He reminds me of another doctor who spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination based on an unbending principle of immunology to justify his concerns, without any clinical or epidemiological evidence to support it. Geert Vanden Bossche - Biography - IMDb En nooit is het probleem daardoor groter gemaakt. Over the last several months, Ive listed a number of examples of this phenomenon of antivaxxers recycling hoary tropes to apply them to COVID-19 vaccines; for example, claims that vaccines kill, cause infertility, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and Alzheimers disease, and are loaded with toxins, among several others, such as the claim that they alter your DNA. Nog meer mensen laten sterven?. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. However, even if this phenomenon occurs with a human vaccineit doesnt, as far as we knowthats an even more compelling reason to be vaccinated. Geert Vanden Bossche Stokes Fear of COVID-19 Vaccine To Promote His Own Flawed 'Solution' Anti-vaccine activists are promoting a veterinarian's claim that the only way to prevent a future. Moreover, as Nirenberg points out, there is an increasing body of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine is not leaky. Daarna werkte hij als Senior Program Officer voor de Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation en als Senior Ebola Program Manager voor de Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). 39. All of these variants were discovered prior to any widespread vaccination program. Geert Vanden Bossche - Wikipedia Daarna werd hij hoofd van het Vaccine Development Office van het Duitse Centrum voor Infectieonderzoek. Variants are "a thing to keep an eye on," Saad Omer, an epidemiologist who serves as director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us in a phone interview. Geert Vandenbossche, Patric Van Oostveldt (UGent) , Jo Demeester (UGent) and Jean Paul Remon (UGent) ( 1993 ) BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING. Bovendien volstaan enkel de NK-cellen meestal niet, maar ze geven het immuunsysteem wel de tijd om een krachtigere respons aan te maken.. Its at this point, though, that Dr. Vanden Bossche throws in a twist specific to COVID-19 in which he argues that undertaking a mass vaccination campaign during a pandemic is dangerous. Snoeck vergelijkt NK-cellen met een ongeleid projectiel: Elke cel die er niet normaal uitziet, wordt gedood. If we, human beings, are committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice lef [sic] but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants. Hierbij vertegenwoordigt hij standpunten die slechts door een heel kleine minderheid van wetenschappelijke experts wordt gedeeld. Geert Vanden Bossche - PhD, DVM - Independent | LinkedIn Skip to main content Geert Van Den Bossche Mrz mit einem offenen Brief an die WHO gewandt. Transformation is rapidly becoming the key to survive as an organsisation. The molecular weight cut-off of microcapsules is determined by the reaction between alginate and polylysine. Wie is Geert Vanden Bossche? Volgens hem kan dat vooral gebeuren wanneer mensen slechts n dosis krijgen, of te lang moeten wachten op een tweede. Geert Vanden Bossche is een Belgische dierenarts, viroloog en onafhankelijk onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van vaccins. As NK cell-based immune defense provides sterilizing immunity and allows for broad spectrum and fast protection, it is reasonable to assume that harnessing our innate immune cells is going to be the only type of human intervention left to halt the dangerous spread of highly infectious Covid-19 variants. He also states that hes worked with GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, although searching the websites, I could find no reference to him other than a report written by him and others to GAVI about progress on an Ebola vaccine. "Hoe zou dat ook moeten werken? TV Shows. and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding virus). But only ongoing clinical trials will show whether vaccinated individuals recognise SARS-CoV-2 variants differently, and whether mutations decrease vaccine protection in some vaccinated individuals. Mutations occur during viral transmission and in the bodies of unvaccinated people. Vanden Bossche lijkt het proces te beschrijven dat bacterin bestand maakt tegen antibiotica, legt Vandermeulen uit, maar je kan bacterin en virussen (zoals het coronavirus) niet met elkaar vergelijken. Virussen worden doorgaans niet dodelijker naarmate ze muteren, stipt vaccinoloog Isabel Leroux-Roels (Universiteit Gent) aan, omdat een virus er voor zijn verspreiding belang bij heeft dat zijn gastheer blijft leven. This is only going to be possible provided it escapes to the S-specific Abs that are momentarily raised in previously asymptomatically infected subjects. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Dat is net de aangeboren respons die aangewakkerd wordt., Virussen die resistent worden tegen vaccins, zien we amper. After all, as Nirenberg and the review article I quoted above note, while it is true that variants of concern demonstrate reduced antibody neutralization, we do not as yet have an absolute correlate regarding how high an antibody level is required to be protective, making the practical meaning of this observation difficult to determine. Het publiekelijk schofferen van wetenshappers of mensen die hun job kwijt raken of beledigd worden omdat ze zich kritisch uitspreken, zulke zaken passen niet in onze cultuur van vrije meningsuiting en open debat. Maar een vaccin werkt niet rechtstreeks in op een virus." Hij beweert dat de coronavaccins ertoe zullen leiden dat het coronavirus verder muteert en zo bestand wordt tegen die vaccins. U dient eveneens kennis te nemen en akkoord te gaan met de privacy policy die van toepassing is op deze website. The second benefit to Vanden Bossche's claim is that it places his purported invention as the miracle solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. - Dqmsl | | Square Enix However, as we age, we will increasingly face situations where our innate immunity (often called the first line of immune defense) is not strong enough to halt the pathogen at the portal of entry (mostly mucosal barriers like respiratory or intestinal epithelia). But wait, says Dr. Vanden Bossche. In deze video legt immunoloog Hans-Willem Snoeck uit waarom het voor een virus zeer moeilijk is om bestand te worden tegen een vaccin (lees eronder voort): Ook volgens Favoreel snijdt de stelling van Vanden Bossche geen hout. A company claiming to develop such a product is currently registered to an address identified on Yelp as his veterinary practice. Honderdduizenden mensen zagen zijn boodschap intussen. But, he said, Vanden Bossche's arguments "take a little bit of truth and then add a whole lot of misrepresentation.". Waiting for Vanden Bossche's "universal vaccine" is no way to win such a race. De geschiedenis toont echter aan dat het helemaal niet gevaarlijk is om massaal te vaccineren tijdens een epidemie. Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is VACCINATION. Hij was daarbij kritisch over de veiligheid van een ebolavaccin. This will, indeed, require large vaccination campaigns. Omdat het coronavirus zal blijven rondwaren, zullen volgens hem de specifieke antistoffen steeds worden opgeroepen zodra het lichaam opnieuw met het virus wordt geconfronteerd. The ongoing phase 3 trial of an adenovirus-vectored spike-based vaccine (Johnson & Johnson, NCT04505722) in South Africa, where the 501Y.V2 (B.1.351) strain with the Glu484Lys substitution is rapidly replacing pre-existing variants,11 might provide an opportunity to examine this question. De inhoud is, tenzij anders aangegeven, beschikbaar onder. Lets compare Dr. Vanden Bossches letter to what Wakefield wrote back in 2019. p.528-531. Ze vindt wereldwijd slechts twee onderzoeken naar een NK-vaccin tegen COVID-19, die bovendien allebei nog niet van start zijn gegaan. Bedrijven krijgen massaal phishingmails die van sociale secretariaten zoals Acerta lijken te komen, oplichters bellen Neen, Zelenski wordt niet gevolgd door een geheime dubbelganger, wel door zijn bodyguard, CHECK - Waarom sommige mensen hun eID-kaart in de microgolfoven steken. Although non-self and exposed on the surface of infected or pathologically altered cells, these antigens are not effectively recognised upon natural infection or disease. Thus if evidence emerges that particular variants do appear to influence vaccine efficacy, it should be possible to periodically reformulate the vaccines so that they better match the circulating strains. Opleiding [ bewerken | brontekst bewerken ] Vanden Bossche has created a scientific-sounding argument that vaccination will encourage the production of COVID-19 variants that our immune systems will be unprepared to fight. So it is scientifically based but the conclusions of the chapters are accessible to laymen as is the entire chapter "Answers to Key Questions" Jul 4, 2022 Replying to @GVDBossche This suboptimal immune pressure exerted by large populations is now confronted with a viral variant! Natural Abs are not germ-specific whereas acquired Abs are specifically directed at the invading pathogen. Integendeel, de uitbraken zijn onder controle gebracht.. 70 ID:bdLlFOqq0 >>1 3 . Unfortunately, it remains untouched by those who have the power to act. Such claims are generally an offshoot of another favorite antivaccine claim, namely that the diseases being vaccinated against are so innocuous that vaccinating against them is overkill and allowing infection and natural herd immunity to occur is better, a trope that has also been resurrected about COVID-19, a disease thats killed well north of 500K people in just the US in a little over a year. [1] In 2018 he was elected president of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Freya Van den Bossche - Wikipedia ), lets just review what Wakefield claimed about the MMR vaccine back in 2019. Het magazine Knack ontdekte bovendien dat Vanden Bossche zijn artikels publiceerde in tijdschriften die publicaties aanbieden tegen betaling, dat bij sommige publicaties een functie bij de Universiteit Gent vermeld wordt die niet bestaat, en dat hij nepconferenties bijwoonde. Volgens de immunologen die we spraken, is het echt niet zo gemakkelijk om die natural killer-cellen gericht te laten optreden tegen n besmetting, bijvoorbeeld met een vaccin tegen het coronavirus. Who is Geert Vanden Bossche? - VAXOPEDIA Kan dat? So, why then should there be a major concern using these vaccines to fight Covid-19? Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. Peter van den Bossche (born 1959) is a professor of international economic law at the University of Bern ( World Trade Institute ). He also points out that there is new research challenging the previous dogma that leaky vaccines always select for more virulent strains of pathogen and cannot produce herd immunity. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. The way to avoid this purported calamity, Vanden Bossche asserts, is for scientists to pay more attention to his own invention a "universal vaccine" that uses the body's innate immune system to kill SARS-CoV-2. So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines. Vanden Bossche presented his ideas to the public in a series of open letters or powerpoint presentations on his personal website. Voorlopig dus nog even koffiedik kijken en vooral genieten van de lente. Het vaccin is God niet. Geert Vanden Bossche - IMDb This makes no sense, Yale's Omer told us. Vanden Bossche neemt geen woord terug van zijn stellingen. Naturally grifters are going to use the same arguments, although I dont see any fraud in Dr. Vanden Bossche, other than his scientifically risible arguments. Geert Vanden Bossche - Universiteit Gent Alex Kasprak is an investigative journalist and science writer reporting on scientific misinformation, online fraud, and financial crime. Ook noemt Rien Emmery Vanden Bossche wat denigrerend veearts. Evidence exists that they achieve this effect even against the variant strains of SARS-CoV-2. Also, as I said at the time, while it is possible that the B. pertussis bacteria is developing resistance to the vaccine through natural selection, the evidence that it is doing so struck me as weak and preliminary, just as the evidence claiming that SARS-CoV-2 is evolving to be resistant to current vaccines strikes me as weak and preliminary. Peter Van Den Bossche - Wikipedia Geert Vanden Bossche is a scientist who published an open letter warning of global catastrophe due to deadly variants of COVID-19 selected for by mass vaccination. More recently, he set up his own website to publicize his letter: We've put together a website to gather all information, scientific documents and interviews I've posted on this public health emergency. In verschillende video's op YouTube waarschuwt de Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche voor een ramp nog groter dan de coronacrisis zelf. As we explain below, this scenario is speculative, scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by actual data. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Covid Infection, Disease to Aggravate in Notable people with the surname include: Aert van den Bossche (fl. Knack wou mijn reactie niet publiceren, het was nochtans een eer-rovend vuilbakartikel van Rien Emmery. Dat geeft de hoogst mogelijke bescherming en zal de verspreiding van het virus dus nog verder naar omlaag duwen. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine (6/7) When presenting with first signs & symptoms, ALL MUST have free access to immune-strengthening supplements (mostly sufficient for the young & previously healthy) and early multidrug treatment (mostly required for the vulnerable & elderly). And so am I. I searched PubMed for what I expected to be an extensive publication record on vaccines and foundeight publications, the most recent of which was from 1994 and none of which have anything to do with vaccines. En wat met die massale sterftegolf die Geert Vanden Bossche voorspelt? There is always concern that a virus or bacteria can mutate to a form such that the antibodies produced by a vaccine against it no longer bind to it, so that the vaccine-induced immune response no longer kills or neutralizes the pathogen. As those have stronger affinity for the pathogen (e.g., virus) and can reach high concentrations, they can quite easily outcompete our natural Abs for binding to the pathogen/virus. Up to this point, at its core and leaving aside minor variations, Dr. Vanden Bossches argument about COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 is pretty close to exactly the same argument that Wakefield fallaciously made about MMR and measles. Dit weekend een stikstofakkoord? Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM - Oregon Legislative Assembly Des te meer in ons land aangezien hij een Belg is. Clearly, variability in the spike glycoprotein can affect the efficiency of antibody neutralisation. Na enkele dagen van stilte nam Vanden Bossche vandaag zijn camera en reageerde met een video op hetgeen in de media is verschenen. Der Urheber der These ist der Belgier Geert Vanden Bossche, der in den Berichten als Impfexperte" oder anerkannter Top-Virologe" bezeichnet wird. De artikels die hij over vaccins schreef, verschenen enkel in rooftijdschriften (tijdschriften waarin je tegen betaling studies kunt publiceren zonder dat die door wetenschappelijke collega's zijn gecontroleerd).[3]. Its another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and dont need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry. Experts and politicians have remained silent while obviously still eager to talk about relaxing infection prevention rules and springtime freedom. "There can be no doubt," Vanden Bossche asserts, "that lack of exposure due to stringent containment measures implemented as of the beginning of the pandemic has not been beneficial to keeping peoples innate immune system well trained. Dat punt maakte ook Otto Yang, professor Infectieziekten aan de Universiteit van California, in de krant USA Today. VRT journalist Vincent Merckx melde dat Vanden Bossche niet wou reageren, die informatie is dus vals. There's even grift likely involved! Come to think of it, the similarities between Dr. Vanden Bossche and Andrew Wakefield strike me as stronger than ever now, given that, as well documented by Brian Deer, Wakefield basically published his fraudulent science to support the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism in order to make a market for his own single vaccine against the measles. Is het Russisch volk goedgelovig en volgzaam? https://t.co/DPYKE7kxmM, Geert Vanden Bossche (@GVDBossche) March 15, 2021, The science behind the catastrophic consequences of thoughtless human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic. Het gaat ook om een therapeutisch vaccin. View geert vanden bossche's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Dit om een bepaalde sfeer te scheppen. Again, the possibility that COVID-19 might be developing resistance to vaccines or immune escape is not a reason to halt the vaccination campaign. Kunnen complimenten de wereld verbeteren? A recent review article suggests that immune escape by variants of SARS-CoV-2 is a possibility, but one that hasnt been definitively observed or demonstrated yet: So is there cause for concern? Hes also started making rounds on the podcast/vlog interview circuit: You can watch yesterday's interview with Philip McMillan here: https://t.co/sx9fxpsyHg Thanks for all your support, we will need it. Iedereen kan een wilde theorie verzinnen, maar daarna moet je dat wel wetenschappelijk staven.. Je kan gerust zon idee als het NK-vaccin voorstellen, vindt Leroux-Roels, Maar het lijkt me beter om in een epidemie te werken met een benadering waarvan we weten dat ze veilig is en op korte termijn werkt. Hij waarschuwt met name voor de risico's van het vaccineren van kinderen met mRNA-vaccins. Last Monday, I provided international health organizations, including the WHO, with my analysis of the current pandemic as based on scientifically informed insights in the immune biology of Covid-19. Hij benoemt dat als een mogelijk risico. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 23 feb 2023 om 10:56. In 1986 promoveerde hij (PhD) in de virologie aan de Universiteit van Hohenheim (Duitsland). As any chicken farmer knows (or any veterinarian like Dr. Vanden Bossche should know), vaccinating against Mareks disease has population health benefits in that it prevents mass death due to the disease, even if the vaccine can allow more virulent strains to evolve. He is no stranger to vaccines. For example, just before the three-minute mark in the video interview of Vanden Bossche by McMillan, Vanden Bossche indicates hes a long-time vaccine developer. Partijvoorzitters De Wever en Mahdi willen landen (maar pinnen zich ook niet vast op Amerikaanse president Joe Biden succesvol behandeld voor huidkanker, Gepensioneerde gevangenisdirecteur zit nu zelf in de cel, nadat cannabisplantage bij hem is gevonden. Were in a race with the new variants, Sara Del Valle, a computational epidemiologist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico explained in a March 2021 feature in the scientific journal Nature. De statisten waren een politieke fractie tijdens de Brabantse Omwenteling, die aanhangers waren van de Staten. The classic example of a leaky vaccine is actually the one for Mareks disease, caused by a herpesvirus that infects chicken and causes lymphoma among other illnesses. Specifically, scientists have long been pointing out that, the more we let COVID-19 circulate, the more likely virus variants that can escape the immune response to the vaccine (and/or to natural infection) are to emerge, and they use this argument as a rationale for vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible, in order to slow that circulation of the virus to as low a rate as possible, thus reducing the opportunities for strains resistant to the vaccine and strains able to re-infect previously infected people to emerge. One can easily extrapolate this scourge to resistance to our self-made antiviral antibiotics. We'll try to work on further translations and regular updates. Feb 18 Replying to @RespectingFA My intention was to write a scientific work to provide my fellow scientists with the indispensable insight that they now so often lack. While mutations to SARS-CoV-2 would be happening regardless of any human intervention, the notion that vaccination might apply evolutionary pressure toward variants that can escape current vaccines is not untenable. ", While a universal vaccine that could eradicate virtually any disease certainly sounds great, no evidence exists that such a vaccine has ever successfully been developed. Actually, its not just eerily similar, its almost exactly the same, namely that immunity from vaccines is an evolutionary selective pressure just like the evolutionary selective pressure from antibiotics to which the organism can become resistant. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM Independent Researcher --- Mar 2018 - Present Managing Director VARECO Sep 2012 - 2019 Europe Independent vaccine consultant with a long- standing track record in Academia, Vaccine Industry and Global Health (GH); providing support on vaccine project management as Geert Vanden Bossche Contribute to IMDb. Geert Vanden Bossche - Amazon The more extensively the later age group will be vaccinated and hence, protected, the more the virus is forced to continue causing disease in younger age groups. Before I get to Vanden Bossches open letter and his warning to the world that mass vaccination with the current COVID-19 vaccines is likely to lead to a global catastrophe due to the proliferation of ever-more-transmissible COVID-19 variants (as if the COVID-19 pandemic itself hasnt been a global catastrophe!