Afterward, seeing that Himiko was still trying to hold in her emotions from Angie and Tenko's demise, Kokichi called her out, belittling her for still holding back. Maki attempted to attack him as well but was stopped by Shuichi. Monokuma however, was disappointed that the motive went to waste, as Kokichi had no plans to kill anybody. ", "N-No wayAre we really gonna die? Notably, after Kokichi's death and hearing his last words from Kaito, K1-B0 is the one who seems to believe that his dying words may have been the honest truth and not a lie. ", "We shouldn't have to push ourselvesLets just find another way out, okay? As a result, the true Mastermind prepared a Flashback Light that tricked the remaining participants into thinking that everyone, including those that had died, were actually students of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy. The next day, as soon as Kaede walked into the dining hall, Kokichi greeted her, having created a "kind lie" in order to make the group consolidate once again. Kokichi's "craziest" sprites were originally Rui Komatsuzaki's idea. Powers / Skills High Intelligence Manipulation Lock-picking Hobby Drinking soda. Despite Kokichi's birthday, June 21, being on the cusp between Cancer and Gemini, official merchandise depicts his zodiac sign as Gemini. I'm always doing stuff for everyone's sake. Kokichi was interested in both of the Research Labs that became unlocked up there, the Ultimate Anthropologist's, and the Ultimate Artist's Research Lab. The Danganronpa characters from tallest to shortest However, Kokichi sweetly asks him to let him go and calls him "big bro", causing Rantaro to immediately soften and let him pass "just for that one time", to the annoyance of the other students. 70 cm (28") Kirumi angrily criticized his behavior before finally letting him go. Kokichi went along with whatever everyone decided, but secretly had ulterior motives and as a result, lied to Gonta about a promise they had made and met alone. Aren't you guys forgetting to act your age? Accidental Pervert: In Chapter 1, it's implied he accidentally got a peek up Kaede's skirt when she was up a ladder in the library. After Kaede's execution, he appears tearful and angry with himself and he says he's so pissed off at himself for being so useless, but he soon claims he was just lying. Since I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader, duh. He constantly brings up how K1-B0 is different from the others and isn't a person, and points out his difficulties with understanding human emotions. Get it together. Wesley Aeyler {{ relativeTimeResolver(1585369050946) }} LIVE Points 243. Well, I guess that's the same for everyone else! We'll scare the culprit until they screw up! He is an elusive and manipulative person who unabashedly tells lies and says whatever he's thinking. He also tries to keep Kaito away from Shuichi, claiming that Kaito and his beliefs are a bad influence on Shuichi and that Shuichi is the only one who can save them. Everyone was worried about what this would mean, aside from Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, who became increasingly outraged with Monokuma for doing whatever he wanted and lunged at him. However, while investigating his room, Maki and Shuichi quickly realised that this was likely a cover to hide the truly important blueprints meant for Miu to use. You must have some small cojones if you're worried about a little dust. How to pronounce Kokichi Ouma | As soon as the body discovery announcement played, however, he immediately rushed into the library, being among the last group of students to discover Rantaro Amami's, the Ultimate??? Shuichi mostly stays silent during these moments, appearing to feel a bit awkward and unsure of Kokichi's motives, though he does try to tell Kokichi to stop when he claims that Shuichi was "dissing" Kaito during their disagreement even though it wasn't true. Later in the game, it's shown that he has drawn multiple childish drawings with silly fantasy concepts such as ray guns with rainbow-colored beams (along with a silly self-portrait of himself), and he apparently owns a toy helicopter and a supercar. After Monokuma showed up, claiming that there was a "secret of the outside world" within the virtual world program, everyone decided that it would be better to investigate after all. Kokichi comments that no one has ever called him naive before, and is taken aback by it. "I know how to harness the power from Monika's infinity gauntlet." Kokichi Oma ( ) is Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant of the Killing School Semester featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. He enjoys pretending he's something other than a mere human. It was at this time that Maki rode an Exisal into the hangar, intent on ending the killing game, saving Kaito, and killing Kokichi due to believing that he was a Remnant of Despair from the false memory triggered by the Flashback Light. This drew the ire of Kaito, who finally had enough of Kokichi's antics and punched him in the face. I'm a teenagerso duh, I'm immature. He truly wishes the best for people although the delivery . Despite the position he was in, Kokichi belittled Maki, asking her why a killing game that should have already ended is still continuing. Being a prankster and a thief, he is skilled at lock picking and is able to unlock Angie's locked Research Lab in the day of her murder in Chapter 3. Kokichi claims that Kaito's naive behavior is troublesome for Shuichi's work as a detective and tells him to leave Shuichi alone. When the AI Gonta was asked about what "truth" he remembered, he said that he couldn't tell them due to not wanting them all to end up like he did, to remember a despair so horrible that you'd feel as if you wanted to die. Kokichi would go to break into everyone's rooms using his lock picking capabilities and steal their motive videos. According to Kokichi's Japanese voice actor Hiro Shimono, he is "an emotional rollercoaster of a character" and "the guy who says the things no one wants to say". Because of his behavior, he is viewed as an antagonistic figure among the group, but this doesn't seem to stop him from being able to manipulate the class trials anyway. Lance Bouma stood 6 feet tall at the time. Kokichi found this suspicious and while he couldn't investigate right now, would make mental note of this and theorize that Maki was hiding her true identity from the rest of the group. Since he has made Shuichi think about him constantly, he claims he has already "killed" him by "stealing his heart". Apparently, he wishes to hide his playful heart and true fashion sense in a place no one can see.[5]. ; Amateur Sleuth: Prior to being trapped in Monokuma's game, he solved minor cases until he solved a major one, receiving the title of Ultimate Detective as a result.Though he claims to have solved most cases by luck, it's . Top 10 Kokichi Ouma Moments (NUMBER ONE WILL SHOCK YOU!) Bearing the talent of the Ultimate Supreme Leader and a very talented liar, he is shown to be very intelligent, skilled in detecting people's lies and good at acting. His title is the Ultimate Supreme Leader ( lit. Kokichi thinks this made all the lying worth it and says they should keep their relationship going after they get out of the academy so that Shuichi can get to know the real him. Height: 4'8" Birthday: 6.21 *~* *~* . He has a short stature, a thin build, and very pale skin. He similarly occasionally uses deeper voice in the English version, but it's less notable as his usual voice isn't as childish as the original. After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. Kokichi got increasingly frustrated when Gonta was unable to argue back and seemed genuine when he stated that it hurts his heart to persecute Gonta so much. ., non usato e non indossato che non pi nella . He then says that the same goes for detectives and he gives Shuichi a somewhat back-handed compliment, saying that he's really amazing for taking such boring and unprofitable job. Later when Gonta was found as a culprit, Kokichi told Monokuma to execute him as well which implied he felt extreme guilt, but he appeared to mostly feel guilt for getting Gonta executed instead of Miu. Because of this, making him a trickster who stirs up the trials was considered indispensable. Notably, whenever his face and tone goes more blank and neutral, it's heavily implied that he has a rare moment of being completely genuine and honest, and he has an occasional habit to unintentionally speak out loud what he is genuinely thinking and sometimes even does it intentionally by openly explaining it to the other students. They also wear different clown masks as a symbol of their group and supposedly to hide their identity. He appears disgusted as he explains how much he hates the creator and the viewers of the killing game, who enjoy toying around with people's lives. Fanon However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. It's also possible that he uses the dramatic crying as an outlet to let out some genuine strong emotions he is feeling yet is unwilling to show sincerely. Himiko acknowledged his statement but said that that was the reason she was so upset now. Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot. Kokichi appeared and congratulated everyone for discovering the truth of the outside world. He describes the sight of them crawling around as "nasty" and more or less jokingly calls Gonta's Research Lab "Hell". Before the trial in Chapter 2, she seems to assume that Kokichi might like Himiko, since she believes in the old belief that boys tease the girls they like. Finding the culprit is more important in this, "Everyonehates meso the role of villain is perfect for me Yeah, I know already! Kokichi later claims he doesn't want Rantaro to come back to life, because he'd rather have Shuichi's wish to have Kaede come back true, to make Shuichi happy. Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. Hiro Shimonoen-US Derek Stephen Prince[3]. Its heavily implied that Kokichi genuinely cared about Himiko at the moment, as when the other students accused him of not thinking about Himiko's feelings at all he himself stated that he was being so harsh specifically because he cared, in a cruel to be kind way. Sometimes, he can speak very sweetly, even flirty and claiming he loves the other person very much, while during other moments he can speak in a very crude and nasty manner (especially towards Miu) and use insults which vary from quite harmless to very mean-spirited. In the original Japanese version's fifth chapter, there was an error where Kokichi didn't have arrows in his arm and back. :*:.~* He carries a wooden and plastic toy scythe around to keep his image as "Death" himself. After Monokuma officially started the Killing Game, Kokichi read the rules on his Monopad. During his last moments, he appears to genuinely cry bitterly as he confesses that he was just lying to others and himself in order to survive and be able to go on, and his evil and extreme behavior was heavily implied to be part of a plan to outwit the mastermind. After it was revealed that Kokichi had lied about his meeting with Miu on the roof, he decided that he would take away any potential mystery solving regarding the case and bluntly stated that Gonta was Miu's killer. In the end, Shuichi blushes while admitting to himself that he is intrigued by Kokichi, being drawn in and always wanting to know more about him. In chapter 5, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind who started the Killing School Semester by letting Monokuma enter the spaceship during the Gofer Project. Later, he would meet up with Shuichi in front of Angie's lab, wondering why it was locked. It is stated that his lithe body significantly helps him to do this and he can also swiftly run away if noticed. It's not exactly home sweet home, but it'll do. Kaede considered him exhausting and like a child who wants attention with bad behavior. He also dislikes it when people claim they hate lying yet they lie . He occasionally talked to Monokuma in a friendly and casual manner, even if his words implied the opposite. CONTAINS V3 SPOILERS!That's how you know they're totally Kokichi's unused voice lines!Uso da yo!#TUVL #KokichiOma #Danganronpa #V3 #LernJergi Today, we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest, and just downright AWESOME Kokichi Ouma moments. Even though Kokichi seemingly wasn't present during the magic show, as according to Gonta he was severely exhausted from the Insect Meet and Greet, he was quickly present when Ryoma's body was found. Explore When was Lance Bouma drafted? Kokichi made up a lie at how a curse could've killed Tenko, causing Kaito to panic in fear. This issue was already reported, and we'll be getting it fixed in the demo and full version:)". He is capable of creating complex plans in a short amount of timea notable case being the time he wrote a script for Kaito during the class trial, which was written thoroughly about possible reactions and possible routes of how the trial will play out. Himiko attempted to get Angie's attention, but the door into her lab was locked, worrying the trio. Maki, on the other hand, despises Kokichi for divulging her secret. Considering his words nonsense, Kaede did not appear to truly listen to him. In the end, Kokichi considered Monokuma and the mastermind his true enemies, as you can only truly win the game by beating them and because he claimed to truly hate the killing game and its creators. Coming from him, this appeared to be quite a notable compliment, and it is worth noting that Kokichi had said the same phrase only to Shuichi and Kaito. However, she strongly disliked to be called a mom. As everybody investigated the seance room in order to find the cause of Tenko's death, Kokichi noticed the loose floorboard and got a theory that he needed to confirm. They have traveled around the world and commit "laughable crimes" for fun, which could indicate that they could be a group of orphans with no families nor parents to hold them back. In the Japanese version, Kokichi's voice is usually slightly childish fitting his appearance, but it occasionally turns much deeper and mature, usually when he is either angry, foreboding or flirty. It was here that Kokichi saw just how much Miu feared betrayal and the killing game itself, having no intention of defying Monokuma, but pleaded that if Kokichi and the others did find a way out to not leave her behind. This was also implied by his very serious and genuinely frustrated looking crying expressions, which are very different from his usual, obvious fake tears, and the fact that K1-B0 believed he was honest (and he is multiple times shown to be right due to his inner voice). He claimed he didn't understand what Maki was talking about and appeared genuinely bothered by the fact that she was trying to restart the killing game, seriously asking her if she really did love killing that much. Lying. Shuichi however, was able to see through his lies easily, asking him how he could have prepared the locked-room mystery. However, Kokichi easily incapacitated the Ultimate Astronaut by using the Exisals. Despite her murder attempt, Miu claimed to have no particular ill-intent against Kokichi and appeared very hesitant and uncomfortable with the idea of killing him. He has talked to Shuichi about it more than once, such as when he recognized the way he lashed out in the beginning of Chapter 4 was most likely due to the fact he was frustrated with all the murder and tense situations they've been put through, and Kaito also appeared to understand Kokichi's motive in Chapter 2 though he was unsure about it. "People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. He wears a white suit with multiple straps wrapped around his arms, and two straps hanging loosely around his legs. ", "Anywaythis is our chance Our chance to end this, "H-How could a gamethat you're forced to playbe fun? Despite this, she is normally very calm when dealing with him, typically choosing to ignore him, save for the occasional glares whenever he manages to annoy her. On his whiteboard, Kokichi describes K1-B0 as "weird", and considering his intelligence it's possible that he was paranoid and suspicious of a robot in a killing game setting that logically should be for humans. Get ready, culprit, cuz here I cooome! Kaito initially refused, but when Kokichi made the point that Maki would be the blackened if he didn't, he had no choice but to go along with the plan in order save Maki and stop the killing game as well. After that, she caught him sneaking around during the night, inquiring what he's doing and why he's being so suspicious. He likes the character quite a lot but states that Kokichi is not the kind of guy he would like to meet in real life.[5]. After Shuichi revealed Kaede as the true killer, Kokichi was intrigued and gladly went along in proving her guilt. After Kaede explained her motives, Kokichi calmly explained to her that it never dawned on her that she was caught in Monokuma's trap the moment the thought of murder entered her head, and regardless of her reasons she agreed to be part of the killing game at that very moment. He can also snatch things from others without them noticing at first. Gonta placed Miu's dead avatar on a lattice from the storage room and slid her off the roof, causing her to go through the wall that only objects could pass through, and crash into the side of the chapel which was only possible because the world actually looped.