Dozens of Incidents Targeting Pro-Lifers Nationwide, Jan. 6: Plainclothes Metropolitan Police Department Members Were Embedded Among Protesters ("wore a specific 'bracelet), Florida: Gov. Or do they prefer security at any price? Hungary is "a nation, a community, family, history, tradition, language", Florida Approves Private School Vouchers for Families Unhappy With Mask Mandates, Lionel Shriver: Leftism is denying that male and female bodies exist, Rod Dreher: Hungary's President Orban is winning his culture war. They are diverse, to be sure, but diversity has a paradoxical property. Sarah Baxter: How do you solve a problem like Harris? Personal life. Juan Guaido? It's nothing but panem et circensis, bread and circuses, now. Matt Walsh: Whtes Have Been Made Into Our Societys Villains And Scapegoats. Culture Matters, Too. We must learn to live with the disease, U.S. to Cut Its 5,200 Iraq Force to About 3,000 , Commander Says, *Douglas Murray*: Of course President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, Biden Campaign Scared as Latinos turn to President Trump, Minnesota: Mining for votes, how President Trump plans to win, Naomi Riley: Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart, Janice Turner: Theres no bigotry in trying to protect children (Netflix Cuties, and LGBT "Rights"), WSJ Editorial Board: Black Cops Dont Matter (Dems are driving black police chiefs out of their jobs. According to Syed, leaders of prestige hierarchies listen carefully to diverse perspectives, maximizing collective intelligence. Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking by Matthew Syed is published 10 September. It Was About Crime (Progressives can win elections, but they dont know how to govern. Despite KUs diverse population, the study revealed that KU students social networks were the most homogeneous. Using these insights from diversity science, Matthew Syeds Rebel Ideas examines the dangers posed by homogeneity. Douglas Murray: What future do we have if the woke warriors destroy our past? As long as life for libruls gets worse, its 100% worth it. Jim Jordan to Quack Fauci: "What outcome do we have to reach before Americans get their liberty and freedoms back? No answer. Ultimately, this led Black to renounce his racist beliefs and with them the echo chamber of his upbringing. The same should be true with Covid, China refuses to hand over samples linked to pre-Wuhan Covid, says WHO, UK: Vaccine "passports" to enter domestic shops, pubs and events 'under consideration', WSJ Editorial Board: The Government Spending Hangover, Please dont rush the border, White House asks, as Remain in Mexico policy ends, PRESIDENT Trump Criticizes McConnell, Calling Him a Political Hack, School Reopening Pits Parents Against Teachers: Is There a Word Beyond Frustrating?, "Vice-President" Harris Takes Customary Role Of President by Calling Several Heads of State, Canada Weighs Buybacks of AR-15 Style Rifles, and allows cities to ban handguns, Bill Galston: The GOP Wont Purge President Trump, UK: Rise in anti-China feeling, many Britons consider it a critical threat, Allister Heath: The (UK) war on (totalitarian) woke wont be won until its no longer toxic to admit youre a conservative, Roger Simon: Power to the People - The GOP Bloodbath Has Begun, Biden Admin Contradicts Itself on School Reopening Promise, *Judicial Watch* Sues US Capitol Police for Emails, Videos Related to Jan. 6 Riot, Biden Is Using 'Christian Religion as the Cover for His Extreme Policies': Lila Rose, John Lott: TV Shows Push Gun Control Myths -- in Sync With Biden, 5 of 7 Republican Senators Who Voted to Convict Trump Censured in Home States, President Trump admits he misses being president and hints at 2024 White House run, Laurence Fox: People need immunity from the virus of wokery, Rocco Forte: Lockdown has turned Britain into the Soviet Union, Juliet Samuel: (UK) Vaccine passports are a needless invasion of privacy, Janice Turner: Muslim leaders cant dodge the (womens rights) questions, Foreigners Crowd Border Crossing as Biden Reverses "Remain in Mexico" Policy, Dennis Prager: The Left (Dems) Hated Rush Limbaugh Because He Had Their Number, Chris Christie: Follow the Science, Not the Teachers, President Trump to speak on Sunday, Feb 28th at CPAC, South Carolina: Court Blocks Newly Signed Abortion Law on Planned Parenthood's Behest, NYC: Crime wave, rider describes fearful deterioration of subway, Dems Reveal $1.9 Trillion Bill Containing $15 Minimum Wage, Trump Can 'Of Course' Come Back in 2024: Ben Carson, Biden DOJ Changes Legal Position on Arizona Voting Case, Kash Patel: Bidens Stance on China's Uyghur Genocide a Serious Threat to the World, UK Child "Protective Sevice" removing children from innocent parents, Sweden: Their Wuhan Flu strategy hasnt changed, Biden spending show return of big government, Martin Wolf: The UK has lost its ability to innovate, and is stagnant, WSJ Editorial Board: The Biden DNC Non-Covid Spending Blowout, Canada: New Covid Travel Confinement Violate CITIZENS Charter (Consitutional) Rights, Hong Kong: Patriots law will ban democracy supporters from office, Iran gives US three months to drop sanctions in battle of wills over nuclear inspections, John Daukas: Why Cuomo Should Be Worried About a Federal Probe, Salena Zito: These Girls Are Hurt by Transgender Competition, Stephen Moore: The Blue States Are Now the Beggar States, Jason Riley: White Nationalism Isnt American Minorities Biggest Problem, UK Schools told they cannot force pupils to wear masks, North Dakota House Passes Bill Prohibiting Mandatory Masks. Questions about Biden's physical, mental health ignored by press, Gerard Baker: Biden doesnt have a popular mandate for the scale of change that hes forcing through, Nick Allen: Biden wont run for a second term, and everyone knows it, Salena Zito: Union's support of Biden does little to save members' jobs in PA, Biden Admin to launch cyber attacks on Russia, *Central Americans* praise Biden as illegal crossings on track to reach highest number in two decades, Protests Across U.S. His film China and Table Tennis, made for the BBC, won bronze medal at the Olympic Golden Rings ceremony in Lausanne[1] in 2008. It's nothing but panem et circensis, bread and circuses, now. ", Leor Sapir: Biden order on affrming care confirms support for prcedures defrming and sterlizing chldren, Dems tearing themselves apart as crime rates spiral (More people died in Dem San Francisco last year from fentanyl overdoses than Covid), Masschusetts: Bshop strps schols Catholc status for BLM and Prde flag (disrupt the family structure), Juliet Samuel: How the HR monster destroyed the workplace, DOJ: 'court packing on steroids' with immigration judges, Stu Cvrk: The Flod of Illgal Alins Continus. WSJ Editorial Board: Whte House tells Big Tch to stfle dbate glbal-wrming policy responses. support aimed at Dem voters), Arizona, Montana Ask Court to Halt Biden Administration's Narrowing Deportation Guidance, Franklin Graham: Biden omitting 'God' from prayer proclamation 'speaks volumes', Murders Are Rising the Most in a Few Isolated Precincts of Democrat Cities, Niall Ferguson: How a More Resilient America Beat a Midcentury (1957) Pandemic, Colombia: Deadly riots; "the government is more dangerous than the virus", Roger Daltrey: Woke Generation Creating A Miserable World For Themselves ("We should turn the whole thing off. Accordingly, they had to accept some degree of diversity in their social networks, however minimal. Lee Smith: Trump's Base to GOP Establishment: Where Have You Been? The decay we see now in the West is the result Asa Hutchinson Signs Bill That ban all abortions unless to save the mothers life, Admiral Philip Davidson says US military losing its edge in Indo-Pacific to China, Turkey: Protestants under threat as danger to security. He argues that the mainstream media expresses a liberal bias. The sheer interconnectivity of the internet has facilitated enhanced political fine tuning. It was as if exposure to different views confirmed their prior convictions. To illustrate, Syed cites Jack Solls study examining the accuracy of 28,000 economic forecasts. These kinds of social groups have rarely existed in modern history except in cults and other walled institutions. Then its probably an echo chamber.. Matthew Philip Syed (born 2 November 1970) is a British journalist, author, broadcaster and former table tennis player. But high diversity in the overall network has the potential to create paradoxical effects in local networks. I'll believe the "West" (mostly the Anglo world to be honest) will "woke up" when they will ban gender studies and any other Marxist based "theories" in their universities. When it comes to Ferguson, two groups with very different political and racial backgrounds ignore each other, Pierson writes. Matt Walsh: The Chauvin Trial was a Sham. For one thing, the two groups think drastically different things.. many reasons why we prefer being surrounded by like-minded people, attacks on the people presenting the views, students in more diverse social networks reported having closer relationships, strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion, higher education has a significant correlation with changes in students political views, detailing his decision to abandon white nationalism, What to Do When You Hate Your Job: 3 Potential Solutions, Social Class Mobility and Economic Inequality, Starting Young Gives You Time to Become an Expert, The Psychology of Habit Formation: How to Train Your Brain, The 2 Simple Rules for Objective Decision-Making, The Pygmalion Effect in the Classroom: What It Reveals, The Milk and Honey Author on Finding Self-Love. Syed argues that, from an evolutionary perspective, prestigious leaders who shared their knowledge created groups where generosity was prized. Sunday February 26 2023, 12.01am, . Until then the decay will continue or even accelerate as more and more students will graduate from the indoctrination factories and join the ever growing numbers of useful idiots that will vote far left politicians and/or far left talking points. [19] was conservative in the sense that it did not employ 0370-2693/$ - see front matter 2013 The Authors. Anthony Sabatini: Kevin McCarthys War Against MAGA, France refused to help sinking migrant boat before 27 died in Channel, 'Globalist American Empire' Is Wellspring of Wokeness: Ex-Trump Speechwriter, Bankrolling of Law-Breaking UK Eco-Protestors by US Non-Profit Sparks Concerns, Yuan Yi Zhu: Canada's harrowing euthanasia experiment should be a warning to the world. In this manner, another danger of echo chambers is that they encourage ad hominem attacksattacks on the people presenting the views, rather than the views themselvesthat destroy trust in our adversaries. goverment to supply drugs as overdose crisis worsens, Biden deliberately 'shielded' from scrutiny. 'They' are silencing you, Bolivia: Former president 'drugged' in prison as country appears to be sliding towards a Venezuela-style Leftist regime, Paris Dennard: Biden's forced COVID-19 vaccine attack on minorities, Comedian Norm Macdonald, SNL Alum, Dies of Cancer at 61, President Putin steps up pressure on Biden over troops in Syria, Holman Jenkins: The Biden vaccine mandate will bring out basic truths about the pandemic, Dennis Prager: Why Freedom Is in Serious Jeopardy, Post Editorial Board: FEC just turned Twitter into all-powerful propaganda machine, Tammy Bruce: Bush remarks, Milley actions show elitist contempt for U.S. voters, Andrew Napolitano: President Biden's first job under the Constitution is to keep us free, Andy Biggs: A vaccine mandate is neofascist, Spencer Chretien: We cant reclaim our institutions without reclaiming the bureaucracy, Cheryl Chumley: Globalists grow desperate as America increasingly bucks Joe Biden, Joseph Ladapo: Vaccine Mandates Cant Stop Covids Spread, America Is Short of Over 5 Million Homes Amid Surge in Demand and Lack of Construction: Report. Charles Moore: Don't Trust "Digital" Cash, Calvin Robinson: Teaching unions are too powerful when they can demand that pupils be vaccinated, Michigan: Senate Passes Legislation to Add 'Overwhelmingly Popular' Voter ID Requirement, Ben Shapiro: How Dem City Governance Has Destroyed Dem Cities, Covid Fades but Government Unlikely to let it Vanish, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, Scapegoated for Jan. 6 FBI-led riot, Privately Are in Turmoil, Electric Eco-Bus Stranded at G7 After Charge Points Fail, President Trump Announces 1st Rally: Cleveland, June 26, Biden reverses asylum ban for immigrants claiming they're fleeing gangs or domestic violence, Nile Gardiner: A weak Biden is badly out of his depth, Jeremy Warner: The Wests fightback against China has finally begun, Republican States Stiffen Penalties for violent Rioters, Dems worry about "Peaceful" "Protestors", Michael Knowles: Junetenth Should Not Be A Federal Holiday, Dem-run California: Fear of wildfires as state declares State of Emergency, Biden Admin facing ignoring crisis as illegal aliens crossings hit a 20-year high, Ross Clark: Global elites' exemption from travel restrictions and green policies ('offsets' for me, poor living for you), Texas: Prison Forced to Empty Ahead of Surge of Illegal Immigrant Arrests, President Donald J. Trump: A Plan to Get Divisive and Radical Theories Out of Our Schools, Biden's idiot US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin to Withdraw Hundreds of Troops, Aircraft, Antimissile Batteries From Middle East, Barton Swaim: Why Shutdowns and Masks Suit the Elite, Denver: Antif@ thugs harass and attack Western Conservative Summit attendees, Larry Elder: Fatherless, America's Top Domestic Problem, Janet Daley: The new far-Left revolutionaries want to extinguish free expression itself, Top Obama Ethics Official Rages: Bidens Actions 'A Real F*** You' To U.S., Hes A 'F***ing Failure', Camilla Tominey: (UK) Covid scare tactics owe more to radical leftists than science (more are dying in car accidents), Biden returns from European Vacation to find sinking popularity and spending plans in disarray, Catholic Bishop tweets Catholics 'should not support' Pride Month events, Douglas Murray: Joe "She looks like she's 19" Biden is getting a free ride for behavior that would have seen President Trump denounced. Long Read: Australias defense dilemma: project force or provoke China? dominance hierarchies led directly to humans greater cognitive capacities. Hoto Village in conjunction with Milky Way Productions places where people from different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds treat each Mary O'Grady: Canadas Truckers Know it is no longer a liberal constitutional state. Messenger RNA Sequences Found in Blood 28 Days After COVID-19 Vaccination, Chinese balloon had multiple antennas for intelligence gathering, US says, Long Read: Diversity and Its Limits By Charles Murray, Allison Pearson: Political correctness is a gift for terrorists, Arthur Herman: US Can't Overlook China's 'Important Political Propaganda' Carried Out by Spy Balloon, GoFundMe Takes Down Campaigns for Arizona Rancher Accused of Shooting Illegal Alien, Miriam Cates: (UK) Critics of abortion deserve free speech, Richard Kemp: Putin is about to make shock gains, Cheryl Chumley: Doctors are now America's Public Enemy Number One, Matthew Spalding: DEI Spells Death for the Idea of a University, Parents Rein In Rogue Sex Education in Michigan Schools, Julie Bindel: The Isla Bryson scandal must be the end of self-ID, Bill Gates Makes 10x Investment on mRNA Vaccines, Oregon: Eugene Council Bans Natural Gas Hookups in New Residences, Pakistan edges closer to debt default as inflation, political turmoil and unrest collide, A year of war in Ukraine has left Europes armouries dry, Joe Biden's brother 'used family name' to smooth over US-Saudi business deal, Allison Pearson: Im sick of people with an ounce of common sense being labelled far-Right, Zoe Strimpel: The woke war on history aims to abolish the West itself, Cheryl Chumley: China strong - Ex-Army secretary warns America now 'the underdog', US leads search for new World Bank chief with climate at heart. 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Everett Piper: Defining the human being: Justice Kennedy released the Kraken, David Limbaugh: Baker Jack Phillips A Cultural Hero, Long Read: Charles Murray: US Identity crisis - how the politics of race will wreck America, Sesame Street adds family with two gay fathers in Pride Month episode. The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner) The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner) . "), South African: Fighting Government to Keep Guns, as Violence Soars ("people have been rushing to arm themselves,), Stephen Moore: The Sky-High Gas Prices Biden Has Wanted All Along, John Forbes Kerry: 'We Absolutely Don't' Need to Drill for Oil, Jeffrey Tucker: The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown, UK: Specialist rpe courts to be created to scure more cnvictions, Michael Yeadon: Glbal-Scale Cvid Frud Is Dsigned to Cntrol People, Middle American electric grid sends alert about looming energy crunch ("Set thermostats to 78 or higher"), Douglas Murray: Left wing America is destroying itself. Syed is married to Kathy . There have been many studies, but one of the most fascinating was conducted by Angela Bahns, an American psychology professor, into academic institutions in the state of Kansas. He also embarked on a journalism career, having worked for The Times newspaper since 1999. Therefore, psychologically safe groups actually benefit from discussing flawed ideas, as they learn from them.). Find the Best Urologists in West Hempstead. Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. But what is fascinating and broadly acknowledged by almost all scholars is what happens when exposure does take place. People want work, independence, dignity, Canada: B.C. Matthew Syed Customers Also Bought Items By Daniel Coyle David Epstein Robert Pool Anders Ericsson Adam Grant Geoff Colvin Matthew Syed Follow to get new release updates, special offers (including promotional offers) and improved recommendations. It is those on the conservative right: the bloody Brexit-supporting bigots, Boris Johnson and. Author Matthew Syed advocates for cognitive diversity in his book Rebel Ideas. Matthew Syed is one of the world's most influential thinkers in the field of high performance in the context of a complex and fast-changing world. Stockwell Day: Canada is not a racist countryour system is not systemically racist. Louise Perry: Women have been betrayed by a culture of sexual liberation, Biden set to visit Saudi Arabia in diplomatic U-turn. Getty Images Ahora puedes recibir notificaciones de BBC News. For this reason, Syed argues that cognitive diversitythe range of insights, ideas, and viewpoints represented in a groupis the main factor that determines collective intelligence. Newt Gingrich: Its Time to Stop Feeding the Crocodile in Gaza, Con Coughlin: Joe Biden has failed the first foreign policy test of his presidency, Angry old man, KKK friend, Joe "Racial Jungle" Biden Shouts and babbles About Racism, President Trump accuses Dems of political 'witch hunt' as business empire faces criminal investigation, Jacob Sullum: CDC has themself to blame for losing public trust, Gerard Baker: America is no longer united behind Israel (Marxist Dems equate "Palestinians" with BLM), Risk of COVID is now very low it's time to stop living in fear: doctor, Former Attorney General William Barr slams 'secular progressive orthodoxy' in public schools, Florida vet rails against school's racial equity statement: Your job is education, 'not indoctrination', Inside the Simon & Schuster Leftist Marxist Dem Blowup Over VP Pence's Book Deal, No joy in Shithole: Religion of Peace, Boko Haram Leader, Responsible for Chibok Schoolgirl Kidnappings, Dies, Mark Almond: The latest conflict between Israel and Palestine had only one winner: Iran, Canada: Doctor's licensing board warns doctors not to speak out against any government COVID orders, Joe Nocera: Florida and DeSantis defied The Fauch and were right. It wasn't just Britain. Gerard Baker: Our elites parade their grievances before us, demanding sympathy and remorse from the (poorer) masses. Fucking good, the west doesnt stand for shit these days because we got too comfortable worshipping consumer culture. Rod Liddle: So President Trump was right - the election was rigged. Rex Murphy: This energy crisis has been 30 years in the making. One of the defining paradoxes of the modern age is that for all its promise of diversity and interconnection, the internet has created chambers of like-minded users who see only what they want to. Asked Russia About Offer of Bases to Monitor Afghan Terror Threat, Gerard Baker: Bidens Economic Fantasy World, Bob Barr: The Biden Administrations Laughable 2nd Amendment Arguments To The Supreme Court, Michael Barone: Hillary Clinton should apologize for biggest political hoax since Titus Oates, 'Unmitigated Crisis:' Florida Sues Biden Administration Over Release of Illegal Immigrants, Tammy Bruce: Releasing John Hinckley, Jr. is an abomination, Police struggle with recruiting new officers to empty academies, Brazil: President Bolsonaro, Only God can take me from presidency. 65 episodes totalling 33 hours, 18 minutes. Best-selling author Matthew Syed explores how cognitive diversity can strengthen individual, team and institutional performance and outlines how its power be. Did the money flowing into Conservative coffers and the City of London cloud the Tories' judgment? Matthew Syed is The Sunday Times number one bestselling author of Bounce, Black Box Thinking and You Are Awesome. Matthew Syed - Keynote Speaker One of the world's most influential thinkers in the field of high performance and cultural change Looking for fees and availability for Matthew Syed? A week ago they could not define woman Robert Dingwall: Sweden managed coronavirus better than most countries, Massachussets: Illgal Alins to Get Driver's Licenses, joining 16 other states, William Burns, CIA: Putin doesnt believe he can afford to lose, Cheryl Chumley: Americans must demand pre-pandemic normalcy, NIH: $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, and Others, Cheryl Chumley: Pr-abrtion actvists are ultimately raling against Gd, Aaron Kheriaty: CIA and CDC spying on citizens, Gordon Chang: Russia & China - The Worst Moment in History Coming Soon, Jawad Iqbal: Dmanding racally balnced jures is wrng-haded, NIH: Acting Director Admits Appearance of Conflict of Interest in Secret Royalty Payments to Fauci, Scientists, As Prents Resisted Trns Push, Techer Suggested Snding in Child Services, Doctors Punished or Threatened for Questioning the COVID Injections, China: Shanghai Like a Prison, 6 Weeks Into Covid House Arrest, Jan. 6: 'Political Prisoners' Defendant Facing Two Years of Pretrial Detention, Douglas Murray: Maskless elites still forcing kids and showgoers to wear masks, Clinton: Fusion GPS Must Give Emails to special counsel Durham, Barton Swaim: How Disagreement Became Disinformation, Michael Yeadon: Peple Who Pushed Idea of Universl Vaccnation Are 'Gulty of Crmes Against Humnity', Young Pfzer Cvid-19 Vccine Recipients More Likly to Get Infcted After 5 Months, Alito: SCOTUS Wrng to Rule Cvil Rghts Lw Protcts Gy and Trnsgnder Employes, Robert Malone: Cvid-19 'No Longer a Glbal Halth Crsis', Natalie Winters: Something 'Rotten' With NIH Funding CCP-Controlled Labs. He writes an award-winning newspaper column in The Times and is the host of the. It was a clear result, and completely different to what most people expect, Bahns told me. Syed explains Anna Freud's psychoanalytic understanding of how . If you truly understood the consequences of US decay you wouldnt be cheering it on (unless youre not American). Ron Paul: How Much Did the US Government Pressure Twitter to Ban Alex Berenson? For instance, studies show that Facebook creates political echo chambers because users are predominantly exposed to arguments defending views similar to their own. Matthew Syed stood as a parliamentary candidate for Tony Blair's Labour in 2001 but lost out to Conservative John Redwood . Whitson & Bragdon: What Is the Biden Admin Hiding on Federal Voter Mobilization? It aims to do so through a systematic review . Syed hosts a BBC Radio 5 Live podcast called Flintoff, Savage & The Ping Pong Guy. His ideas are original, challenging and important. She found two distinct clusters. By systematically undermining trust in alternative views, by defaming those who offer different insights and perspectives, they introduce a filter that distorts the belief-formation process itself. Brian Cates: Why Havent the Durham or Hunter Biden Investigations Ended Yet? As the founder of Matthew Syed Consulting, which helps companies reap the benefits of cognitive diversity, Syed brings years of experience cultivating diversity in the workplace into his discussion about the importance of diverse groups in Rebel Ideas. Participating in a dominance hierarchy required us to distinguish between different ranks, understand the behaviors permitted for our own rank, and decide whether to change our rank. They are isolated, not by selective exposure, but by changes in who they accept as authorities, experts and trusted sources. Canada: Emergencies Act Is Government Control Over Life Savings, "Russian" jets and superyachts roam free as billionaires remain unscathed by sanctions, Zoe Strimpel: War in Ukraine has exposed the shallow self-obsessed woke world, Daniel Hannan: Putins monstrous invasion is an attack on civilisation itself, Hunter Biden Associate Devon Archer Sentenced to One Year, One Day in Jail, Japan: Consider nuclear weapons, says former prime minister Abe, Russian oligarchs using human rights laws to fight sanctions, James Marriott: Russias war shatters the illusion that a global triumph for democracy is only a matter of time, Zoe Strimpel: Germany is an unserious nation of pacifists, Lia Thomas: 'I am female and deserve respect', US officials hold Venezuela meetings amid hunt for alternative oil supplies, Bhattacharya & Kulldorff: How "Vaccine" Fanatics Fueled "Vaccine" Skepticism, Cheryl Chumley: Intellectuals are proving bad for America, Seattle: Surge in Shootings Rattles Once-Safe City, Roger Kimball: Tech Totalitarians Are on the March, Poland Will Not Send Its Fighter Jets to Ukraine, Florida: police chief fired over 'minorities first' hiring policy, Rob Natelson: Supreme Court Should Recognize 'Diversity' Programs Are About Leftist Politics, Not Education, South Korea: Presidential Election today to Decide Stance on Communist China, Ukraine: Poland gives fleet of 28 MiG-29 fighter jets, Robert Malone: Covid "Vaccines" May Be Enhancing Disease, A Dramatic Nationwide Decline in Proactive Policing, Facebook Called Out for "Vaccine" Marketing Alliance, Cheryl Chumley: CDC lays groundwork for never-ending face masking, President Putin: US Shouldn't Blame Russia for Rise in Gas Prices (Supplies of Russian oil, say, to the American market do not exceed 3 percent. President Bush: Iraq War Unjustified and Brutal,', Ann Coulter: Here Are the Ntcases Who Believe in Replcement, Chris Rufo: Schol District encuraged tchers to attend a cnference on knk, trns sx, and bnging beyond bnries., Grogan & Mulligan: Fentanyl will continue killing Americans until Biden decides to get control of the border, Robert Malone: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Is a Toxin, CDC: Young Boy Died With Evidence of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination, Jan. 6: Videos Show Unindicted 'Suspicious Actors' Attacking Capitol, Robby Mook: Hillary Clinton Approved Giving TrumpRussia Allegations to Reporter, Jeffrey Sachs: US experiments may have contributed to emergence of Covid, Robert Zoellick: Biden is off the rails. The precise extent of echo chambers is a matter of some debate, with different studies pointing in slightly different directions. ": Sick Staff from China's Wuhan Lab went to hospital in November 2019, Post Editorial Board: Biden Admin keeps hyping phony 'domestic violent extremism' threat, Nick Timothy: If the police accept the idea of structural racism, no one is safe, Patriot Ted Cruz accuses Dem 'Squad' of acting like 'press secretaries for Hamas terrorists', Cowards Is What They Are: Former Dem Rep Hikind Rips Schumer, Cuomo, De Blasio, Nadler, Chinas wolf-warrior (thug) diplomats raise hackles around the world, The Fauch calls for inquiry into China's Wuhan Lab, Stephen Miller's America First Legal Asks Pentagon to Release Records Over Concerns of Politicization in Military, *Heather Mac Donald*: A Year After George Floyds Murder, Its Open Season in Minneapolis, William McGurn: God Save the Clarence Thomas Court, America's Frontline Doctors, Parents Sue HHS Over COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization in Children Under 16, Democrat State Senator Surrenders to US Marshals in Campaign Fraud Case, GOP condemns Marjorie Taylor Greene for likening mask rules to Holocaust, Ben Zeisloft: Five Disgusting Examples Of Schools Pushing Graphic Sex Ed On Children, State Department unfurls Bl@ck Lives Matter flags, Patriot Steve Bannon: Judge dismisses indictment against ex-Trump adviser, Russell Brand: Dems & Media; "The idea that information is being controlled, thats not democracy", Suzanne Moore: It's wrong to erase women for the rights of others (Ls vs. Ts), Ignore The CDC: Johns Hopkins Professor Marty Makary Says Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity, Dangerous New Wave of Censorship Culminating in the US: Dershowitz, Not the Onion: James (who must be high) Carville: Dems Are the Anticrime Party, Joe Biden seeks $75m aid for Palestinians (bombers need bombs, think of the children!