They often hire aliens from our universe to do their work for them. Reece decided to take the role of a therapist with the Beyonder, since he himself was quite a veteran of therapy sessions. As Thundersword, he began to wreck various Hollywood studios and other businesses. The Beyonder first became aware of our universe when the Molecule Man gained his powers through an atomic accident. Richards realized who he was and tried to pay attention, but there were too many distractions, including Sue Storm's desire for revenge for what the villains had done to her (they had turned her into Malice). Clearly it takes place after Secret Wars I, and since Richards mentions that he was scanning for the Beyonder since Battleworld (and doesn't mention anything from Secret Wars II), it seems likely that it takes place before Secret Wars II. He later ran across Peter Parker, and recognizing him from Battleworld, followed him home. Vinnie, in turn, began to really like the Beyonder, whom he called Frank. (See Powers for a greater explanation of this.) The Beyonder now shows Spider-Man the villains have caused destruction across the entire planet and have formed territories for themselves to individually rule over. They live outside the multiverse and are the beings responsible for the multiverse's destruction during Jonathan Hickman's Avengers, New Avengers, and Secret Wars saga. He tried to explain what he was trying to do, but they wouldn't listen, so he knocked them all (including Rachel and the Silver Surfer) away with one swipe of his hand. Right in front of her, he search the world for a more suitable partner (including both men and women; he decided, however, that he had gotten used to being a man), and settled on Dazzler. Also, Namor has no recollection of him, and he had met him during Secret Wars II. [23] In Kosmos' 'Maker' incarnation, she was stated as capable of reversing The Crunch itself, essentially collapsing the entire universe. Victory tried to warn the Beyonder of his target of amusement but the Beyonder would not listen, and brought them back to his universe (the Beyond-realm attached to that reality). The Beyonder then argues that he can do this and introduces a planet Spider-Man might consider a "paradise", civilizations have good but no concept of evil. As he became self-aware, he recognized himself as the only person in his Universe. Additionally, this issue introduces the all-powerful Cosmic Cube, which dominated the MCU. [13], The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". Thus, The Beyonder, once an immortal, omnipotent god, falls victim to his strange obsession with desire, purpose, and death. This was surprising, since the Beyonder had chosen to appear in a male form. Instead they had to just ask him not to kill Death. How did Dr Doom absorb the power of the Beyonders if they are - Quora When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? They were not above manipulation of beings that they saw as being "below" them: at one point the two of them created a moon-sized space station and ran the Fantastic Four through a series of exercises like lab rats. When the Second Cosmos ended and was reborn as the next iteration of the multiverse, the Omegas observed from the outside and thus became known as the Beyonders. He further altered his physical appearance, giving himself black curly hair and maintained this form for most of the rest of his existence on Earth. The Great Evil Beast | Character Level Wiki | Fandom Why he would do this is unclear. Powerful beyond all comprehension, The Beyonders live in a universe beyond the Marvel Comics multiverse. Hello Nanbaas & Nanbees Welcome to Chida Ambrose Youtube Channel.In this video I explained about beyonder and his retcon origin and his powers and abilitie. The Beyonder teleported Captain Hero to the base, and he and Iron Fist managed to stop the SHIELD attack. The other attacked, with no affect. Galactus was rendered unconscious by the Beyonder's defenses, once again showing his limitless power. While he was under Red Skull's employment he created and memorized a super human transformation formula (this would be responsible for Steve Rogers becoming Captain America.) He was now the gateway between all realities, and if the Beyonder got hold of him, h would have access to the Nexus. Eventually, they all ended up at a punk club. He destroyed his tower in Sparta and decided to cast about for a new role in life. The Beyonder also empowered the Guardians to help in the assault. He invented, and was sometimes manipulated by other cosmic entities into believing, the events of the original Secret Wars as a way to cope with cosmic awareness. Volcana (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia He said the Earth heroes were just jealous, and that the Beyonder would be the greatest hero of them all--that only Death itself had anything to fear from the Beyonder, and the heroes certainly had no reason to worry. [43], Upon reaching the House, he hid himself until the Defenders finished their business. One day, the Fantastic Four, with the Thing, She-Thing, Human Torch, and Doctor Doom, showed up in his universe. [32], In an underground sanctum sanctorum deep beneath the Colorado Rocky Mountains, the Beyonder decided that perhaps he could find the contentment he sought by becoming a mortal being. Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" Kubik developed from a Cube made by A.I.M. Marvel's Most Powerful Cosmic God Did Drugs with Two Forgotten TV Stars - Yes, Really. He suddenly appeared in front of Parker, scaring him at first. Unfortunately, the Lizard's primal instincts kick in, and Doom is assaulted. He was then (not surprisingly) immediately confronted again by the vengeful Mephisto. As a consequence, he was naturally surprised to discover that Earth's beings were merely a part of a greater whole making up their universe; one that was itself but a member of a larger collection of universes, perhaps of infinite extent, called a multiverse! [19], After being encouraged to find enlightenment by Doctor Strange, and failing, a frustrated Beyonder decides to destroy the entire multiverse, leading to several more battles with various Marvel superheroes, all of which end up with the Beyonder victorious. While this version of the Beyonder wasn't as powerful as the original Pre-Retcon Beyonder, he shares the same feats, this is because because beings of higher power allowed him too. Owen Reece eventually heard about this on the TV, and was worried about the Beyonder's new passion. Today, Jeff continues to write comics, play soulful metal on his 8-string guitar, and analyze comics here at CBR. However, while they were happy with the results, they soon wished that they had asked for even more" for everyone to be cured of cancer, for Rom to be restored to humanity, for Adams' parents to be brought back to life. For most of his lineage, The Beyonder acts as an omnipotent being who exists apart from space and time. Similarly, despite claiming to be omniscient, he had no knowledge of the multiverse outside of his own realm, and had to learn everything by experience. Fantastic was eventually able to create a teleportation device to send all the heroes back home, thus ending the first Secret War. Zarathos used all the power at his command to get Parker to go back on his sense of responsibility, using illusions of Norman Osborn, Captain Stacy, Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy, and his parents, as well as physical sickness, but Parker wouldn't give up, and managed to stop the hit. Their origin story was revealed and were tied to the Celestials; the "Beyond" space that they dwell was revealed to be formerly the Second Cosmos, the first multiverse that formed after the Celestial War. Frank became obsessed with Earth gadgets at this time as well, buying or making hordes of Cuisinarts, motorcycles, and the like. They were originally called "Omegas" by the Celestials. The Beyonder then went to talk to the Hulk, and found that his Banner side had been erased. He turned invisible and followed Captain America as he left the fight scene. In 1984, the multiverse was all the dimensions in Marvel comics, and now it's only the universes that spring from a common timeline (Earth 616, Earth 1610, etc.). He brought them to his new headquarters, a giant floating building in the ocean, complete with TVs that monitored everyone on Earth. This was the beginning of his philosophical journey, and of his symbiotic relationship with Reece. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. The Beyonder became a much lesser super being, and his previous super feats were all, or at least partially, in his mind. It turns out that Xavier had sensed, via his telepathy, that the Beyonder was once again in the vicinity. [31], Furious, the Beyonder now believed that he had no role in the universe at all, and decided that he would be happier if he destroyed the Multiverse so that he would be alone once more. on 10/17/22 She was scared, and he left. After informing them about the Beyonders, he and the other Beyonders wanted the Defenders to go back inside the Multiverse; however, the Defenders resisted. He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars, and later, by using his entire energies, created a universe out of his own being. RELATED: Which Secret Wars Should The MCU Adapt for Film? Doom understood what was going on, however, and called out to the Beyonder, and in an instant, his face appeared in the world's sun, threatening them with death. (which is basically using the abilities from other pathways like a scribe or reader or Shepard). [27], The Beyonder continued to experiment with experiencing love affairs with human beings. The dome (as powerful as the multiverse) Molecule Man created, which the Beyonder shattered, wasn't as powerful as the original. Then he effortlessly erased the armada, as well as all their homeworlds, and every planet that had ever had any contact with any of those worlds. As he recounted, Doom participated in the first Secret War despite the fact that he had already died; in the second Secret War, it was revealed that Doom had secretly swapped minds with Norman McArthur. She was placed in stasis at the Kyln and kept alive so the Beyonder could not escape. Deciding to see how far this would go, he increased Kurse's power once again. They disappeared after Molecule Man was destroyed by the Void. The passengers were then sent to Battleworld. [4] Various superpowered adventurers from Earth, including the Hulk, Spider-Man,[19] and members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men, went to New York City's Central Park to investigate an enormous circular construct which had materialized in the park's Sheep Meadow. Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. The Molecule Man defeated the Beyonder, and Kubik showed up asking him to stop. The Beyonder went back to Owen's apartment to talk over all of these recent problems. The Beyonder was sponsoring a cult of Cosmic Oneness, and the Puma believed that its director, Barry Foxxe, was the Beyonder. Comic Characters Biographies; Anime Characters Biographies; Video Game Characters Biographies . She thought he was a mutant, and said she was one herself. [1] The Beyonder later underwent another retcon, briefly becoming a mutant inhuman, and after a last retcon is now considered to be a member of the alien race of the same name and is referred to as a "child unit" by the Beyonders. Beyonder (Pre-Retcon) | Marvel & DC Wiki | Fandom Protege's great raise in power gained the attention of the Living Tribunal, who put both Protege and the Beyonder on trial. Cage was still angry, but Rand calmed him down, and Cage eventually went on to explain more about the importance of time and money. [3][2][1] The other Beyonders created a universea "womb-space"[1]to incubate this Beyonder. The Beyonder is a complex and enigmatic character. So perhaps in this one case the Beyonder's meddling actually resulted in a net positive result (albeit with horrible side effects). The Beyonder of this reality was annihilated by The Council of Reeds using a dangerous and powerful weapon called Sol's Anvil. She had a choice--kill him, or save the X-Men, whom he then put in danger, making the Blackbird plummet towards the sea, with Sentinels on the chase and spread throughout the city. The heroes and villains found bases, and began a long series of skirmishes. [5][36][37], Before becoming Kosmos, the Cosmic Cube had expelled Owen Reece from itself as it only needed his power to be complete and not the man himself. Doom was unsure what to do with his newfound omnipotence, which was even greater than it was when he had Galactus' power. Dracula finally brings the Beyonder/Goblin Queen to Havok's location, and Havok comes out and attacks, buoyed by the power of several mystics and other characters. Beyonder demonstrates his abilities by splitting the Hulk and Bruce Banner apart before sending them to the other parts of Battleworld. Hence, each sentient being on Earth was, in the Beyonder's unique point of view, inherently "incomplete" and thereby [he assumed] must strive to find some way to remedy its incompleteness. Set before Secret Wars II #9, The story forces The Beyonder to reconsider his thoughts on life, death, and human existence. They battle, and using his power, the power of the Nexus, and the power of the mystics, Havok defeats her, absorbing her into the fabric of the Nexus itself. He also showed him that he had kidnapped Protege and Malevolence, holding them in a miniature crystal as a source of amusement. Dr. Doom arrives and claims that he only wants Ben and his subjects to be happy; he calls his new kingdom New Latveria. . He reached inside her, and pulled out her Darkchilde persona for the first time. Illyana wanted to attack him, but Rachel stopped her and instead tried to psychically bond with him in an attempt to communicate. A riot at the Kyln set her free. Editor's Picks; Entertainment. To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. This itself was later retconned by Jonathan Hickman, who established that the Beyonder was actually a child unit of the Beyonders. [30] The Puma when in perfect harmony with the universe was also claimed to be able to destroy the Beyonder. The X-Men & Avengers Enter The Spider-Verse In New Marvel Character They merge and shape themselves into a Cube. Mr Fantastic. So he tricked the Thing, who was making a movie on a nearby island. He then erased all memory of them from the universe. Dr. Doom tricked the Fantastic Four into transporting him to the Negative Zone, and from there to the Beyond-realm. Oracle revealed that the source of her madness was the Beyonder aspect inside of her. Reaching out to it, the Professor was overwhelmed, and found himself being pulled within the Beyonders consciousness. Madame Web comments on how Spider-Man has already led the heros into battle, and the Beyonder agrees that this is a good start, but he decides to see how everything ends. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. Puma was coming in, prepared to kill the Beyonder. [18], Subsequently, the Beyonder gave himself a body identical to that of Captain America. (It is unclear why Kubik did not help her.) She hoped that with the current universe destroyed, the Beyonder would lose interest in it, and would at least not destroy the future universe, whereas if he continued on his present course, he would probably destroy not only the current universe but any future ones as well. The Beyonder told him his story, and Vinnie, believing him, sensed a business opportunity in his apparent lack of understanding of our world. First he found Illyana. Then he went through himself. [10], Ultimately, the Beyonder entered the machine and was transformed by it into a mortal infant and which then began transferring the Beyonder's vast power into this newly created form. The Beyonder informs everyone that they will be teleported back to Earth with no memory of these events and will be as they were before this ever occured. The Beyonder took his message seriously, and indeed it was an experience that he recalled several times throughout the rest of his time on Earth. However, the immediate effect was that Galactus sensed the Beyonder's power, and desired it, for he could tell that it would be able to take away his hunger to destroy worlds. They took a ride in his flying car out into space to cheer her up. Every-moment is precious because, at any time, death can take life away. They can interfere with outside divination. The other X-Men, some willingly, some possibly under her psychic influence, and some unwillingly, joined their life forces to hers. Strange had helped him see the light. It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. Vinnie used the Beyonder to increase his success in his criminal enterprises, taking care of the competition, healing prostitutes of their STDs, making more gold, and even curing his son of dyslexia and helping his wife lose weight. beyonder powers and abilities Their battle nearly blew out the nearby sun like a candle, and severely buffeted Battleworld. Once there, they (Doom, Thing, She-Thing, and the Human Torch) arrived, to their surprise, in a sunny, happy, populated land that recalled Earth. He went to talk to Vinnie about it, but all he could do, now that he was controlled, was offer platitudes of obeisance. It was during one of these sessions that the Molecule Man, who had reverted to evil, pulled the old male Beyonder essence out of Kosmos, leaving her a pale unconscious shadow. The machine would only be able to hold the Beyonder's power for a short time, so Mephisto put together a plan to trigger it. He offered the victors anything their hearts desired. In retaliation, The Beyonder kills most of The New Mutants and sends Marvel's most powerful warriors home in defeat. In many ways their motives are like a mix of the Watchers and the Celestials--over the eons of existence, they have observed and manipulated the evolution of life and intelligence in our dimension. [21], In the course of the "secret war," Doctor Doom used technological means to steal the Beyonder's apparently unlimited power and absorbed it into himself. He then restored the power of Thor and Beta Ray Bill's hammers, and left. They traveled across the universe as observerers, and as they came to Earth they learned many new concepts,the most interesting were the concepts of good and evil. The Lizard regained conscienceness and ran outside where he was attacked by alien giant sand worms. All of them are different [] During the Dark Reign, the Molecule Man created a group of beings that resembled the Beyonder, Mephisto, Dormammu, and Enchantress. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. There are several meaningful glances and close-ups of Black Bolt's face at several points in the story that could be interpreted in different ways.) Strange could have trapped him in a pocket dimension and kept him inebriated; he said Rachel Summers, as Phoenix, almost had a chance to defeat him when he gave her some extra power; he said that Puma, under a mystic universal alignment of power, could have killed him; he said that the heroes in the final battle against him almost had a chance (due to the involvement of the Molecule Man); it is possible that Beyondersbane would have worked. But Malevolence's father, Mephisto, followed. So in this case, the Beyonder wanted to have the experience of going on an alcoholic bender, and expressly limited himself so that such a thing could happen. While waiting for the Legion Accursed to arrive, Mephisto tricked Thing into signing a contract that would increase his strength. Since he was still somewhat naive, and often intentionally limited his awareness of the world in order to experience things more like a true human would, they were able to draw him into their tenement, telling him that they could provide him with true happiness through their drug. When she destroyed an entire Shi'ar settlement known as Eru 7, she caught the attention of the Imperial Guard. Because none of the Legion Accursed managed to touch the Beyonder, the Beyondersbane went past it's critical point and melted down, its energy returning eventually to the Beyonder. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. Nonetheless, he possessed vastly limitless psionic abilities allowing him to control and manipulate numerous matter and energy at a cosmic level beyond all, but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities.
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