This is prorated for part-time fellows, at a minimum of 50% FTE. Panels are organised by theme and meet at different times of the year. Certainty of outcome is not an indicator of excellence, but neither is an incremental approach necessarily an indicator that a proposal lacks excellence. Our assessment criteria at the review stage and prioritisation panel stage: Reference should be made to how the research: As part of the application process you will be invited to nominate up to three potential reviewers who you feel have the expertise to assess your proposal. access to prototype quantum computer resources. Your entire salary is paid for, along with indirect and estate costs. EPSRC fellowships help early and established career researchers with the greatest potential to develop world-leading research that will meet UK and global priorities. Note that additional letters of support are not permitted on fellowship applications. If you want to work part-time, you can hold your EPSRC fellowship part-time as well, at a minimum of 50% of your time. resources and management (secondary criterion). and a personal interview is ., Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Download the Fellowships peer review form, San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, part-time working for the principal investigator, co-investigators, post-doctoral research assistants, technicians or wider team costed on a grant, support for costs over and above standard care arrangements to allow the principal investigator or their team to attend activities associated with the grant (for example conferences) where costs cannot be met by the employer. We also welcome applications from candidates who want to move back into research after a career break or any other type of break from active research. A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure to finally celebrate my graduation at University of York with a Masters in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Industrial You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation during your fellowship. If you have a concern that the application raises ethical issues that have not been clearly identified or addressed, you should raise this directly with EPSRC, which will need to make a policy decision on how the application should be treated. A fellowship offers support, flexibility and freedom for you to develop high-quality research ideas and outputs, raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and EPSRC, and gain the experience you need to help you move to the next stage of your career. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council now offers two categories of Fellowship - a postdoctoral Fellowship in a limited range of scientific areas and an "Open Fellowship" applicable across the whole portfolio of physical, engineering and energy sciences. Will the applicants career development plan enable them to develop an independent career by the end of the fellowship? a global centre of excellence in quantum science and technology development, the go-to place for quantum companies or global companies to locate their quantum activities. You will require the support of a UK university and must be resident in the UK. Start application Apply for a fellowship focusing on any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. It is anticipated that interviews will be held middle of June 2021 CANDIDATE BRIEF Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Prize Fellowship 2021 - Two Fellowships available . A full justification for your assessment of the application should be included in each section. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. the novelty and timeliness and relevance to quantum technology priorities identified in the NQTP strategic intent, the ambition, adventure, transformative aspects or potential outcomes. Congratulations to Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering, Dr Marcelo A. Dias, who has won a 1.3m EPSRC Open Fellowship for his work to improve Liked by Anastasia Tsavea Prime Minister's Trade Envoy Richard Graham MP and UK Marine Energy Council industry members toured #FastBlade on Tuesday with colleagues from the Not all questions carry equal weighting. It is an honor to be part of this project! You should indicate those aspects that you accorded higher or lower priority and why. I am strategic advisor in photonics to the Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences Division. An important aspect of the EPSRC fellowship scheme is acting as an ambassador across engineering and the physical sciences. This is a very strong application that fully meets all assessment criteria. Please provide us with contact information including home phone number, pager number, and e-mail . Applicants can start within six months of their proposed start date. are fluent in multidisciplinary and systems based approaches, possess the right entrepreneurial and business skills. Note also that fellowships may be held part-time, to a minimum of 50% of full-time equivalent, and can be presented and costed on that basis. The PhD project is concerned with the challenges of providing secure IoT transactions with blockchain technology considering the constrained nature of IoT devices. What is the applicants career vision and how will the fellowship enable them to realise their research vision? You may apply for funding for facilities costs and cruise costs. community champion (only assessed if the applicant has applied for the plus component). Your application is assessed by peer review. If coming from outside the UK, you may be eligible for a global talent visa. Applicants can request to spend between 50% and 100% of their time on a fellowship. Interviews will take place around six weeks after the prioritisation panel meeting. It will also develop your leadership skills by helping you to establish or extend a research group. have identified training and development needs to enable you to expand or enhance your role and career. any equipment requested, or the viability of the arrangements described to access equipment needed for this project, and particularly on any university or third party contribution. The applicant is not expected to predict the impact of their research in terms of value, reach or significance, and therefore assessors should not: Drawing upon what the applicant has said, reviewers should comment on: The extent to which each bullet point is addressed will depend on the nature of the research proposed. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. See the Je-S handbook for full advice on completing applications. You must be able to hold your fellowship at one of the following: If you have already been in receipt of significant funding (as a principal investigator) or have been leading in an area of technical development, you may wish to apply for an EPSRC open fellowship. fellowship will make a strategic contribution to the broader research landscape. call, type or mode: Quantum Technology Career Development Fellowship. There are no restrictions on nationality. This EPSRC funded research project is entitled '(e,gamma,2e) Threshold Spectroscopy - A new method to study collisional excitation of atoms . We encourage applicants who have taken a non-standard career path. be an early career researcher hold a PhD qualification or expect to submit your thesis before the fellowship interview. We will award 80% of the full economic costs of the project, and your organisation must agree to find the balance. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. Additional funding of up to 1.6 million from AHRC, a minimum of 1 million from BBSRC and up to 0.4 million from ESRC will be available for research at specified interfaces. Significant funding is usually defined as awards: A host organisation letter of support will be required as part of the application. Therefore, you should not use journal impact factor (or any hierarchy of journals), conference rankings and metrics such as the H-index or i10-index when assessing UKRI grants. If you need any further general information about applying for a fellowship, email: Your project can be across any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. The proposal, reviewers comments and your response will then go to a panel that will score it against our assessment criteria and rank it with other proposals. 4-year Research Fellowship. You can find more details about the application process in our: We will fund 80% of the full economic costs of your project. Skilled in instrumentation, control systems and product development. Universit degli Studi di Padova Nano Heat Transfer Lab UniPd is partner of TheMa4HERA research project within Clean a cover letter (no page limit), this will not be seen by peer reviewers. EPSRC Fellowship - NHFP: Starts: 25 June 2018: Ends: 26 July 2022: Value (): 516,488: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: . You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. We will also allow fellowships over shorter periods. Any queries regarding the submission of proposals through Je-S should be directed to the Je-S helpdesk. Focus on the skills required to lead a research group or set the agenda in relation to those identified in the proposal, including project delivery, leadership management of collaborators, staff and the identification and mitigation of risks and the contingencies that have been put in place. Our Network. This is a new category of engineering (cyber-physical) systems that combine physical processes with computational control in a holistic way in order to achieve . Read our guidance on how to prepare an equipment business case (EPSRC). Proposals may build directly on prior work or may involve a speculative leap forward. This makes it easier for the panel to assess how complete and convincing the applicants responses are. These fellowships may have different eligibility, application and review processes. We cover 80% of your full economic costs. whether the proposal contains a clear vision, addresses a specific challenge or makes a step change in its field, the progress this programme will deliver beyond current state of the art, the intended outputs of the programme, for example, new ideas, tools, techniques, discoveries, and whether these are ambitious but realistic. The things you must do before you start your application for a fellowship: You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). Your interview team wants to know more about your love of winning and the impact loss has on you. contributes to, or helps maintain, the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges or contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry(s), complements other UK research already funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio, meets national needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading activity. This application is scientifically or technically flawed, This application does not meet one or more of the assessment criteria, This application meets all assessment criteria but with clear weaknesses, This is a good application that meets all assessment criteria but with minor weaknesses, This is a strong application that broadly meets all assessment criteria. We recommend you start your application in good time. We expect eligible research organisations to submit the most suitable candidates for these fellowships and identify the additional support and resources they will provide the applicant with if successful. An eligible UK research organisation must host and support you during your fellowship. Through the quantum technology hubs and other quantum technology projects, EPSRC are a key partner within the NQTP and share the ambition to maintain the UKs reputation as an excellent place to do research. Quantum technologies are set to transform the global society and economy with significant efforts being put into developing quantum technologies around the world. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. CL EPSRC Open Fellowship: 722,294: 5,176,502: 0: 0: 12: In these circumstances, the duration of your fellowship can be extended pro rata. Thanks to an EPSRC IAA Knowledge Transfer Fellowship, health and . training and development support to enable you to expand or enhance your role and career, which can include support to develop a range of skills such as: supervision and line management (through supervision of PhD students and PDRAs as appropriate), additional technical skills that would enhance your research, multidisciplinary research, but the proposal should be at least 50% quantum technology, opportunity to transition into a different area of quantum technology through your proposed research programme, partnership with other academic researchers, both in the UK and abroad, working with a mentor to develop your career but also acting as a mentor to others, either within your own research group or institution or within another institution or industry. Your application is assessed by peer review. E-mail: Janelle.Arquiza Your proposal must include a career development work package. Before you start your application for a fellowship, you must: You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S) by 6 October 2021 at 16:00. You can find more details about the application process in our: Find out more about completing your application. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. It will be sent electronically to at least three reviewers, including at least one nominated by you. a preferred location for investors and global talent. They must also provide you with mentoring support to enable you to move into an academic position in the future. Panel Date: Panel Name: Outcome: 10 May 2018: EPSRC UKRI CL Innovation Fellowship Interview Panel 6 - 10 and 11 May 2018: Announced: Summary on Grant Application Form: Applicants should explain how the fellowship award will help them achieve their vision. For Neuroradiology fellowship program questions, please contact: Janelle Arquiza. Following the prioritisation panel, we will invite successful candidates to interview. The reviewer form asks reviewers to comment on the applicants track record making reference to: The purpose of EPSRC fellowships is to help the best developing research talents in the UK to achieve their potential in becoming international leaders in research. See the Je-S handbook for full advice on completing applications. The content of a paper is more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published, especially for early-stage investigators. EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship. Research grants are open to UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations, Public Sector Research Establishments and NHS bodies with research capacity. We invest in people with leadership potential at all career stages, helping them to lead excellent research projects. There are no restrictions on nationality. The applicant should have provided appropriate methodology to deliver the research and impact programme. . For more information, read our guidance for applicants. You can apply for up to five years for an open fellowship award. You should comment on how well this has been done and on the appropriateness of the resources requested. An additional two pages (eleven pages in total) are allowed for Open fellowships where the applicant is choosing the plus component option), a host organisation statement (two pages), project partner letters of support from all project partners included in the Je-S form (no page limit). However, prioritisation meetings generally find reviews most useful where they explicitly identify the main strengths and weaknesses in the application, while also giving a clear view on which should be accorded the greater significance and why. The clarity of presentation may help or hinder your ability to review an application, so a comment to this effect would be appropriate, but this should not become in any form a competition in stylish writing. As EPSRC fellowships are explicitly to support the fellow, all their own direct costs should be included and justified. a case for support (nine pages, six on the scientific case, one on how you will achieve your vision for career development and two on the non-technical aspects, meaning, to cover the non-scientific elements of the assessment criteria) of your application. Currently I work at the Luxembourg Insititute of Socio-Economic Reseach (LISER), on social inequalities in the city of Luxembourg in terms of the Social Observatory of the city of Luxembourg project.<br><br>Previously I was a research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) within the Urban Dynamics project. The reviewer form asks reviewers to summarise their view of the application. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Read the guidance on, identify the additional support you will provide to ensure successful project delivery and opportunities for the applicant to expand or enhance their current role, offer opportunities for the applicant to develop supervisory skills, for example, by supervising PhD students, consider if they need a mentor, and what aspects of their development their mentor will help with, agree a mutually acceptable balance of time devoted to fellowship and non-fellowship activities such as teaching or demonstrating, equipment and other items needed to carry out the project., Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), our policy on repeatedly unsuccessful submissions, Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), EPSRC fellowships framework application guidance, EPSRC fellowship guidance for applicants (PDF, 585KB), EPSRC Fellowship frequently asked questions, information and communication technologies, equipment and other items needed to carry out the project, help applicants identify how they fit the aims and outcomes of their career stage. If you are interested in doing a postdoc at Imperial, and if you got/will get your PhD within the last 3 years, consider applying for an EPSRC fellowship. You should also comment on any potential adverse consequences for humans, animals or the environment and whether these risks have been addressed satisfactorily in the application. EPSRC assessment processes, including expert reviewing and panels, may acknowledge the impact of university contributions, but will not consider the level of matched university funding as a factor on which to base funding decisions. You can apply for up to five years of support for early career or established career awards. A small number of fellowships will be sponsored by the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC). Your research organisation must fund the remaining 20%. An interview panel will assess your application against the criteria below: If you need any further information about applying for a fellowship, email: Find out more about visas for carrying out research in the UK. We expect to launch new calls for IAA Impact Starter Grants, Follow-on Fund projects, and Knowledge Transfer Fellowships in late 2021 or early 2022, for projects to start from 1st April 2022 onwards. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. Requests for travel both domestically and internationally could be included in accordance with the relevant scheme guidelines, noting the above advice. Normally you might expect to see a plausible hypothesis with some basis within the published literature, and some clearly identified objectives that sensibly test that hypothesis. EPSRC therefore allows applicants to tailor the support that they request in order to facilitate this. Engineering Fellowship Interview Panel 29 and 30 January 2020 Proposal Processing Panel Panel Name: Engineering Fellowship Interview Panel 29 and 30 January 2020 Date of Panel: 29 January 2020 Panel Contact: Brown, Zoe In exceptional circumstances, panel membership may change at a late stage. Below are last year's instructions. These awards are supported through the University of Southampton's EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership grant (DTP), and are allocated through a competitive tender. EPSRC recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities and is committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career such as breaks and delays, disruptive working patterns and conditions, College of Science & Engineering. Number of Scholarships: EPSRC expects to fund 65-85 Fellows. Next deadline: Apply any time. Does the proposal specify routine and novel ways to engage end users or partners to help realise impacts?
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